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姓名 張逸雯(Yi-Wen Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 天文研究所
論文名稱 A numerical simulation survey on the outflow from the Galactic center
(A numerical simulation survey on the outflow from the Galactic center)
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摘要(中) 在2010 的年尾,費米伽瑪射線空間望遠鏡在銀河的盤面上下各發現了一個巨
1.5 keV 波段X 射線圖以及幾年前威爾金森微波各向異性探測器的謎團有一定的
內部混亂的結構會隨著時間間隔的拉長而變得更亂。模擬所產生的X 射線圖顯示
摘要(英) In the second half of 2010, Fermi satellite discovered two giant gamma ray
bubbles above and below our Galactic plane in the direction of the Galactic center.
The bubbles extended 50 degrees in Galactic latitude and 40 degrees in longitude.
The spatial distributions correlated with the ROSAT X-ray map at 1.5 keV and the
WMAP haze near the Galactic plane. Among many possible origins of the bubbles,
we are particular interested in the scenario that stars are repeatedly captured by the
supermassive black hole located at the Galactic center. At each capture, a huge
amount of energy is release and causes a massive expansion or outflow that forms
the bubbles.
We adopt the astro-hydrodynamic code PLUTO to study this phenomenon. We
carry out 2D (cylindrical coordinates) numerical survey on the formation and
evolution of the bubbles under different conditions, such as different energy release
at each capture and different time intervals between captures. We also consider the
effect of different assumed scale heights of the Galactic gaseous disk.
When we compare different single capture cases (with same scale height), we
learn that the shape of the bubble from small energy release is rounder and
extended further in the lateral direction than the one from large energy release, but
the perturbation is weaker. When the energy release is large, the bubble can easily
penetrate the disk, but the lateral extend is restricted to about three times the scale
The morphology of a single capture case and a repeated captures case with the
same total energy is significantly different. The repeated captures case has lesser
lateral evolution and a lot more turbulent interior. Moreover, the turbulent level
increases when the interval between captures decreases. The X-ray maps from
simulations show that the repeated captures cases have slightly thick lower bubble
edge than the single capture cases. We also compare the maps with ROSAT data.
關鍵字(中) ★ 數值模擬
★ 費米泡泡
★ 銀河中心
★ 流體力學
關鍵字(英) ★ Simulation
★ Fermi Bubbles
★ PLUTO code
★ Galactic center
★ HD
論文目次 中文摘要 ......................................................................................................................... i
Abstract ......................................................................................................................... iii
致謝 ............................................................................................................................... v
Table of contents .......................................................................................................... vii
List of figures ............................................................................................................... viii
List of tables ................................................................................................................... x
Chapter 1 Introduction ............................................................................................... 1
Chapter 2 Code and Simulation .................................................................................. 9
2-1 PLUTO ............................................................................................................ 9
2-1-1 Algorithm ........................................................................................... 9
2-2 Boundary and initial conditions .................................................................. 11
2-2-1 Units................................................................................................. 12
2-3 Tests of the program ................................................................................... 14
2-3-1 2D and 3D comparison .................................................................... 14
2-3-2 Grid size dependent......................................................................... 15
2-3-3 Supernova remnant ......................................................................... 16
2-3-4 Comparison with analytic solution .................................................. 17
Chapter 3 Result ........................................................................................................ 19
3-1 Standard case .............................................................................................. 19
3-2 Bubble evolution with different energy ...................................................... 26
3-3 Bubble evolution with different scale heights ............................................ 33
3-4 Repeated captures with different frequency .............................................. 39
3-4-1 Single capture compare with repeated captures ............................ 52
3-5 X-ray map .................................................................................................... 54
Chapter 4 Summary and discussion .......................................................................... 57
Appendix A ................................................................................................................... 62
Appendix B ................................................................................................................... 65
References .................................................................................................................... 68
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指導教授 高仲明(Chung-Ming Ko) 審核日期 2013-7-10
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