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姓名 羅薇雅(Via Ramadlona Pramuktia Mei)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 地球科學學系
論文名稱 台灣西南外海多頻道震測之甲烷水合物與海洋精細構造成像研究
(Multi-channel Seismic Study For Imaging Gas Hydrate and Ocean Fine Structures Offshore Southwest Taiwan)
★ 九二一集集地震三維震源過程與震波傳遞分析★ 台灣東北部外海地震之三維強地動模擬
★ 利用三維有限差分法模擬與分析台北盆地的場址放大效應★ 台北盆地的場址效應放大效應-譜比法應用於強震資料與理論分析的探討
★ 震波走時於台灣三維參考速度模型評估、地震定位及地利地區深部速度構造的研究★ 台灣地區參考莫荷面傾角變化的探討
★ 台灣西南部地殼變形與地震活動相關性研究★ 透地雷達特性分析應用於油品污染物探測
★ 測井資料的分析於兩處海底甲烷冰蘊藏區: 北阿拉斯加埃爾伯特山和墨西哥灣綠色峽谷的實際應用★ 台灣西南海域下枋寮盆地甲烷水合物之AVO分析
★ 台灣西南下枋寮盆地天然氣水合物調查同中點集的AVA/AVO模擬、分析和逆推★ 台灣南部的體波與表面波波場逆推:應用於TAIGER T4b寬角度折射/反射資料
★ 中國西南陸坡天然氣水合物沈積環境特徵的AVO和淺部構造量化分析★ Pre-Stack Diffraction Stack Depth Migration of Active Source Short-offset Marine and Long-offset Seismic Data
★ 以部分波場逆推及模擬對沿TAIGER T6測線的台灣北部地區進行深部構造成像★ 台灣西南近海Formosa Ridge天然氣水合物和游離氣岩石物理參數估算
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摘要(中) 自從2004年起,中央地質調查所持續針對台灣西南外海進行甲烷水合物的勘探與調查。本研究針對其多頻道震測資料同時進行海床下沉積與海水柱的構造成像,以探討西南外海處甲烷水合物的空間分布與其所富含甲烷水合物的潛能以及大尺度的海水的精細構造特徵,並建立甲烷水合物之沉積系統。甲烷水合物調查中,本研究主要著重於確定與標定海床下海底仿擬反射之空間分布為主,並同時偵測沿著震測測線之海水柱中可能存在的海流聲學構造之形貌。
摘要(英) Multi-channel seismic data has been implemented for simultaneous imaging the sub-seafloor sedimentary structure features and characterizing the spatial distribution of gas hydrate and the large-scale ocean current structure in the water column. The imaging sub-seabed features in exploration of gas hydrate potential in SW Taiwan have been investigated and supported under Central Geology Survey since 2004. This study was primarily focusing on the gas hydrate investigation to determine the distribution of BSRs in the subsurface and additional purpose to detect the possible presence of the oceanic current acoustic structure features in the water column along the survey line.
Multi-channel seismic reflection data along MGL0905-01 and 01R were acquired by the TAiwan Integrated GEodynamics Research (TAIGER) project. The surveys were performed during April 2-3, 2009. Acoustic energy produced from 40 of air-gun array with combined volume of 6600 cubic inches was fired every 50 m. The airgun array was towed behind Langseth at depth of 8 m. An six-km-long streamer containing 468 hydrophone groups with receiver space of 12.5 m was towed behind the ship resulting in a horizontal subsurface sampling spacing of 6.25 m. Reflected signal was sampled every 2 ms. The survey line covered about 215 km and along lower slope of Kaoping shelf with water depth of less than 100 m then further south towards the deep marine environment where water depth reaches 2600 m. The MCS data was sequentially processed with conventional seismic processing strategy including trace editing, bandpass filtering, noise suppression, predictive deconvolution, velocity analysis, stacking and Kirchhoff post-stack time migration to create the final seismic profile.
The presence of gas hydrates are associated with blanking, low frequency contents and clear reverse polarity of continuous BSRs. The distribution of the BSR varied from 0.2 to 0.5 s in two-way travel-time (TWTT) below seafloor. Several thrust faults had been interpreted which act role as fluid conduits. The brittle zone and porous tilted beds can be speculated as the other potential migration pathways for gas-seepages. At the same time, the appearance of reflectors revealed the existence of distinct impedance contrast inside the water column affected by complex physical processes. The reflectors were identified as thermohaline fine structures that appear relatively strong in approximately above 1200 ms TWTT. The major reflectors patterns in the middle layer are more continuous with clear amplitude changes in deeper water region and fairly discontinuous when it is near the continental slope. Rough morphologic seafloor could be attributed to the dynamics oceanographic processes that occur.
關鍵字(中) ★ 多頻道震測
★ 海底仿擬反射
★ 甲烷水合物
★ 海洋精細構造
★ 成像
關鍵字(英) ★ MCS
★ Gas Hydrate
★ Ocean Fine Structure
★ Imaging
論文目次 Chinese Abstract i
Abstract iii
Acknowledgements v
Table of Contents vi
List of Figures vii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Gas Hydrate Investigation Programs in Taiwan 2
1.1.1 An Overview of Gas Hydrate 2
1.1.2 Previous Investigation Studies 3
1.2 Seismic Reflection for Oceanography 4
1.3 Tectonic Framework of Southwestern Taiwan 6
1.4 Objectives of Study 8
Chapter 2 Multi-Channel Seismic Data Processing 16
2.1 Data Acquisition Survey and Seismic Dataset 16
2.2 MCS Data Processing Flow 17
2.3 Data Pre-processing Flow and Strategies, Quality Control and Justification 18
2.4 Velocity Analysis and Normal Moveout Correction 20
2.5 CDP Stacking 21
2.6 Time Migration 21
Chapter 3 Gas Hydrate Investigation and BSRs Distributions Along MGL0905-01 31
3.1 Distributions of Gas Hydrate Occurrences 31
3.2 Gas Hydrate Models in the Study Area 34
3.2.1 Narrow Anticline Ridge 34
3.2.2 Yuan-An Ridge 34
Chapter 4 Oceanic Fine Structure Features, Offshore SW Taiwan 42
4.1 Seismic Image, Ocean Interior Feature, and Internal Waves 42
4.2 Identification of Sea Water Stratifications 46
Chapter 5 Conclusions 54
References 56
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指導教授 陳浩維(How-Wei Chen) 審核日期 2013-7-30
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