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姓名 陳詠蓉(Yung-Jung Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 法國語文學系
論文名稱 法國中世紀戲劇中魔鬼角色的敘事分析
(L’analyse narratologique des personnages diaboliques dans le théâtre français du Moyen Âge)
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摘要(中) 中世紀的基督教社會中,「惡」的觀念深植人心,魔鬼也被視為惡的象徵。魔鬼角色出現在中世紀宗教劇中最初的目的是為了教化人民。然而,魔鬼角色冷酷嚴峻的形象,隨著世俗劇的發展,逐漸融入滑稽有趣的元素。在此轉變之中,魔鬼角色如何被置入宗教劇中卻不失教化之作用,為一值得探討之問題。
本文將以敘事學為分析工具,從克洛德‧布雷蒙(Claude Bremond)所提出的敘事可能模式(les possibles narratifs)來探討法國中世紀戲劇中的魔鬼角色,魔鬼在行動過程當中的選擇以及他和人類之間的密切關係。同時藉由分析魔鬼角色呈現的方式,更深入的剖析法國的中世紀戲劇。
摘要(英) The idea of evil is deeply rooted in the Christian society in medieval Europe and the devil is considered as the symbol of evil. The devil’s first appearance in the medieval religious drama aimed originally to give religious instruction. However, with the development of the secular drama, the cold, grim image of devil’s role gradually brought in comic elements. In this transition period, how the role of devil is inserted in the religious drama without losing its social function is a problem worthy of investigation.
This thesis studies the devil’s role in the medieval French religious drama. With the help of The Logic of Narrative Possibilities established by Claude Bremond, we attempt to analyze the devil’s choices and decisions, as well as his close connection with human beings. By analyzing the representation of the devil, we aim to explore in depth his role in the narrative.
In the first chapter, with the analysis of the transformation of roles in the narrative structure (agent and patient), we strive to understand the motivation of the devil and how he makes use of the human desire in his evil acts.
The second chapter, in which the emphasis is put on the process of the devil’s evil acts, is divided into three parts. Firstly, we will discuss the master-servant relationship between Lucifer, the king of hell, and the devils. Secondly, based on the selected plays, we discern three strategies in the devil’s acts: temptation, seduction and negotiation. Finally, we analyze the frustrator, who, in the development of narrative, may cause the failure of the mission of the devil.
In the final chapter, we attempt to explore the ultimate result of the devil’s evil acts. According to The Logic of Narrative Possibilities, if one character decides to take actions, he may succeed or fail in his actions. When the devil successfully lead human beings astray, the temporary success of his action should be attributed to both the wish of the devil himself and the weakness of the human beings. However, owing to the intervention of God’s will, the devil’s failure is always inevitable.
Our study has shown that it is possible to apply the narratology to the analysis of the medieval French religious drama. With the theory of Claude Bremond, we understand more thoroughly the devil’s role in the narrative structure, his functions of instructions and eventually his symbolic role in the medieval Christian society.
關鍵字(中) ★ 魔鬼
★ 中世紀戲劇
★ 敘事學
★ 克洛德‧布雷蒙(Claude Bremond)
關鍵字(英) ★ Devil
★ Medieval Religious Drama
★ Narratology
★ Claude Bremond
論文目次 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................ 1
CHAPITRE I MOTIF DES MÉ FAITS DU DIABLE ............................................. 11
1.1 L’état initial du diable ....................................................................................... 12
1.1.1 La vengeance du diable ............................................................................... 12
1.1.2 Diable comme l’agent éventuel ................................................................... 15
1.1.3 La volonté forte du diable de faire du mal .................................................. 17
1.2 La position du diable ......................................................................................... 20
1.2.1 La position active - la mission donnée par Lucifer ..................................... 20
1.2.2 La position passive - la circonstance favorable ........................................... 21
1.3 Le désir de l’homme ......................................................................................... 23
1.3.1 L’homme en tant qu’agent volontaire.......................................................... 24
1.3.2 L’homme comme l’agent involontaire ........................................................ 25
1.3.3 Le diable comme l’influenceur tendant à persuader un agent éventuel ...... 28
2.1 L’intervention de l’allié...................................................................................... 35
2.1.1 La convocation de Lucifer .......................................................................... 35
2.1.2 La relation entre Lucifer et ses diables - créancier/débiteur…………. …..35
2.1.3 L’interaction entre Lucifer et ses diables…………. ............................. …..35
2.2 Les stratégies choisies pour la vengeance .......................................................... 43
2.2.1 La tentation ................................................................................................. 43
2.2.2 La séduction ................................................................................................ 46
2.2.3 La négociation ............................................................................................. 49
2.3 L’apparition du frustrateur ................................................................................. 50
2.3.1 L’incompétence du diable - le diable comme frustrateur lui-même ........... 51
2.3.2 Le doute et la crainte de l’homme - l’homme comme frustrateur .............. 53
CHAPITRE III LES RÉ SULTATS DU PROCESSUS ........................................... 57
3.1 La réussite provisoire du diable ......................................................................... 58
3.1.1 Le triomphe du diable ................................................................................. 59
3.1.2 Le regret de l’homme pécheur et sa punition en enfer................................ 61
3.2 L’échec fatal du diable ....................................................................................... 64
3.2.1 La dégradation possible du diable ............................................................... 65
3.2.2 Les réactions du diable face au danger - l’obstacle à éliminer ................... 69
3.2.3 Le diable voué à l’échec - la dégradation accomplie du diable .................. 73
CONCLUSION .......................................................................................................... 79
BIBLIOGRAPHIE ..................................................................................................... 85
ANNEXE 1 .................................................................................................................. 90
參考文獻 I. Corpus étudié
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指導教授 翁振盛(Chen-Sheng Weng) 審核日期 2013-7-23
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