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姓名 黃瑞泰(Nattavut Chinwittayaporn)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 英語商業管理碩士學位學程
(Implementing Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing in Plastic Recycling in Thailand)
★ 半導體化學材料銷售策略分析-以跨國B化工公司為例★ TFT-LCD CELL製程P檢點燈不良解析流程改善之關聯法則應用
★ 金融風暴時期因應長鞭效應的策略 –以X公司為例★ 勞動生產力目標訂定之研究-DEA 資料包絡法應用
★ 應用田口方法導入低溫超薄ITO透明導電膜於電容式觸控面板之研究★ 多階不等效平行機台排程與訂單決策
★ 多準則決策之應用-以雷射半導體產業為例★ 專案管理模式進行品管圈活動-以半導體機台保養測機流程改善為例
★ 應用e8D降低不合格品之效益分析-以快速消費品製造為例★ 供應商評選模式之建構-以塑膠射出成型機製造為例
★ 應用協同規劃預測補貨於伺服器備品存貨改善之研究-以Q代工公司為例★ 船用五金拋光作業之生產規劃
★ 以SCOR模型探討汽車安全輔助系統供應鏈-以A公司採購作業改善為例★ 研發補助計畫執行成效評估之研究以「工業基礎技術專案計畫」為例
★ 運用生態效益發展永續之耳機產業★ 失效模式設計審查(DRBFM)之應用-以筆記型電腦為例
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摘要(中) 泰國是現今東南亞最大的塑膠(PVC)生產國,但是在資源回收等配套措施的表
甚至將會影響公司的收入。隨著時間的推移,由於ABC 的實施過程較為繁複,使用
ABC 系統的比例正逐漸下降。2004 年以ABC 系統的概念,創造出另一個新的成本核
本論文研究目的是提供ABC 和TDABC 在實際操作的步驟與流程。另外,文中所採用
摘要(英) Nowadays Thailand is the biggest PVC manufacturing country in South-East Asia.However, the performance in recycling was performed in an opposite way. One of the most significant factor influencing the poor performance in plastic recycling is lack of an efficiency costing system, which effect the ability to maintain company in long run. Many researchers and companies have implemented the Activity-Based Costing (ABC) system in order to acquire accurate cost information, which is crucial for the management decision and may also effect the company revenue. Along with time, the interest of ABC method is dramatically dropped due to the complexity in implementation process. In 2004, Time Driven Activity-Based Costing (TDABC), a new ABC concept, has been developed in order to overcome the complicated method of the conventional ABC. Therefore the objective of this thesis is to provide practical steps in developing and implementing ABC and TDABC methods. The data and information for the case study will be gathered from a selected plastic recycling company in Thailand.
關鍵字(中) ★ 作業基礎成本制度
★ 時間驅動作業成本
★ 塑膠回收
關鍵字(英) ★ Activity-Based Costing
★ Time Driven Activity-Based Costing
★ Plastic recycling
論文目次 摘要....................................i
List of Figures................................v
List of Tables................................vi
1. Introduction ................................1
1.1 Background and motivation of the study ...................1
1.2 Research objective...........................3
1.3 Research Framework..........................4
2. Literature review ..............................5
2.1 The origin of ABC...........................5
2.2 Traditional Costing System.........................7
2.3 Nature of ABC system ..........................7
2.4 Problems of ABC ............................9
2.5 Time Driven Activity-Based Costing (TDABC)...............10
2.6 Comparison between Traditional costing, ABC and TDABC .........12
3. Research Method ............................14
3.1 Thai Somboon Plastic Company (Thailand) introduction.............14
3.2 Thai Somboon Plastic operation processes .................15
3.3 Implementing ABC ..........................18
3.4 Implementing TDABC........................19
3.5 Data collection............................22
4. Data analysis and result..........................23
4.1 Data summary.............................23
4.2 Cost allocation by Traditional Costing System.................25
4.3 Cost allocation by ABC..........................26
4.4 Cost Allocation by TDABC ......................33
5. Conclusion.................................40
5.1 Conclusion...............................40
5.2 Limitation and future research......................41
References ................................43
Appendix ..................................46
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指導教授 王啟泰(Chi-Tai Wang) 審核日期 2013-7-9
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