摘要(英) |
Changes in the social environment demonstrate the core values and importance of sustainable and responsible investment (SRI) and become a new philosophy. After the impact of global financial crisis in 2008, enterprises focusing on short-term profit and expansion risk fastidiously have been eliminated by the market, but the business creating the benefits of companies, shareholders, and communities can be sustainable management. The attitude of corporate social responsibility has paid much more attention. Investors begin to combine personal value judgments and concern for society and their investment strategies tend to avoid investing in companies that do not fulfill social responsibilities well. Using sustainable and responsible investment funds (SRI Funds) as an example, by decision making on corporates for a positive impact, the concept is to build a portfolio considering the subjects of the investment environment, economy, and social performance.
Sustainable and responsible investment funds must be balanced to achieve both environmental and social development and the basic principle of fairness demands and it not only assists investors to obtain financial compensation, but also helps investors to be done on the society and environment, and execution of the obligations and responsibilities of the citizens of the world. Therefore, SRI investors want their funding used in the establishment of sustainable development environment, while pursuing long-term stable profit. Looking at socially responsible investment in Western countries, it develops flourished and receives high investment performance. In contrast, sustainable and responsible investment in Taiwan is not as matured as in Western countries. Although the idea of SRI has started to attach importance recently in Taiwan, but there is still a lack of investment goods and related indexes so far. The paper will discuss SRI funds in the future development of Taiwan market based on current SRI funds status and international trends. |
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