摘要(英) |
In today’s difficult economic environment and worsening international financial situation, life insurance companies face a major challenge: how to use different asset allocation strategies to increase investment returns and limit the adverse effects of narrowing interest rate spreads, all while accounting for risk. Based on the experience of “A Life Insurance”, this study uses historical simulation, taking into account legal limitations, to define the efficient frontier through the Mean-Variance and Mean-CVaR Portfolio Models and explores different asset allocations under different models.
. The study finds that optimal portfolio allocations are similar under the Mean-Variance and Mean-CVaR Portfolio Models if the insurance company’s assets are diversified and their correlation coefficient is not high, i.e. their investment portfolio has already diversified risk. Because a life insurer must take into account liabilities when it allocates assets, it cannot easily make major portfolio adjustments in response to market changes. This results in differences in asset allocations in its existing portfolio and the efficient frontier portfolio. Plotted on a graph, the life insurer’s portfolio allocation is to the lower right of the efficient frontiers generated by the two models, indicating that appropriate adjustments in the portfolio could have positive benefits. If the expected rate of return of the existing portfolio is kept the same, portfolio risk could be lowered, or, if the existing portfolio’s level of risk is maintained, the expected rate of return could be increased. |
參考文獻 |
一、 英文部分
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