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姓名 蔡馨儀(Tsai,hsin-yi)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 會計研究所
論文名稱 以商業模式為基礎之模擬競賽系統設計與績效研究-以「2012 Ms. Hotel決策模擬系統專題」為例
(A Study of the Design and Performance of Business Model Based Simulation and Gaming System – A Case Study of the Ms. Hotel 2012 Project)
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摘要(中) 近年來隨著觀光產業的復甦,餐旅管理學系在大學排名中逐漸提升,現今許多餐旅管理學系教學者透過教學輔助系統提升教學效果,除了餐旅管理學系外,一般管理相關學系的教學者亦可透過教學輔助系統激發學生的興趣,提升教學效果及學生的學習成效。然而,市面上大部分關於服務業的經營模擬遊戲主要是著重在傳統的生產、銷售、人力資源、研發及財務等管理,顯少有以商業模式為設計基礎之決策模擬系統,因此,透過國立中央大學會計研究所鄭漢鐔教授與資管學系的林熙禎教授聯合指導之專題團隊,共同開發以商業模式為基礎之模擬競賽系統,並採用傳承方式,持續開發決策模擬系統。
本研究的專題團隊則為承接Ms. Hotel 2011決策模擬系統,但因Ms. Hotel 2011仍存在許多缺失,因此,本論文目的為持續改善Ms. Hotel 2011及開發Ms. Hotel 2012,探討Ms. Hotel 2012預期目標與實際成果間差異及差異原因。
摘要(英) Because of the revival of the tourism recently, the rank in food and beverage management is getting higher. Nowadays not only do many teachers of food and beverage management promote the teaching effects via teaching aids system, also teachers in general school of management intrigue students’ interests via the system to improve the learning intension. However, on the market most service industries in running business simulation game focus on the traditional production, sale, human resource, research, and financial affairs and so on, but rarely focus on the design basic in Business Model; therefore, we formed a team, which is under the instruction of Professor Hann-Tarn Jeng and Shin-Jen Lin of National Central University, to lead us to develop the Business Model Based Simulation and Gaming System, and followed the traditional way to keep doing the Management Simulation System.
The Project Team carried on the A Case Study of the Ms. Hotel 2012 Project, but there are so many disadvantages, so the purpose of the essay is to improve and develop Ms. Hotel 2012 project to discuss the differences of the expected goals and practical results.
The research divided the project into four parts: definition, plan, implement, and closure report, and displayed and discussed the design of the project and the process of developing on the basis of eight-ten business model. Also, the analysis of the research recommended a few differences and advices about the team members, planning, the process of implement and the system itself. Among those, the key factors of system development‘s failure are the way how team members get along with, how the teamwork goes on, the way the team implement a plan, the time schedule and Bug system. In conclusion, we pointed out some advices about some parts of the system function.
關鍵字(中) ★ 競賽與模擬系統設計
★ 專案管理
★ 商業模式
關鍵字(英) ★ Design system of gaming and simulation
★ project
★ business model
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 viii
一、 緒論 1
1-1  研究背景 1
1-2  研究動機 2
1-3  研究目的 3
1-4  研究流程與架構 3
二、 文獻探討 5
2-1  競賽與模擬系統設計 5
2-1-1 數位遊戲與數位遊戲式學習 5
2-1-2 競賽式數位遊戲學習之意義與特點 5
2-1-3 數位教學輔助工具的特性 6
2-1-4 模擬遊戲結合教育的好處及成效 6
2-1-5 數位遊戲之架構與特徵 7
2-2  專案管理 11
2-2-1 專案定義及特性 11
2-2-2 專案生命週期 12
2-2-3 數位遊戲專題 12
2-3  商業模式 12
三、 研究方法 17
3-1  個案研究法 17
3-2  專案生命週期 18
3-3  8十商業模式 19
四、 專題執行 25
4-1  Ms. Hotel 2012決策模擬系統專題 25
4-1-1 專題介紹 25
4-1-2 專題範疇 25
4-2  專題生命週期四階段 27
4-2-1 定義階段 28
4-2-2  規劃階段 30
4-2-3  執行階段 33
4-2-4  結案階段 56
五、 結論與建議 61
5-1  研究結論 61
5-2  未來改善建議 64
參考文獻 66
參考文獻 網路文獻
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指導教授 鄭漢鐔 審核日期 2013-7-16
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