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姓名 陳恩(En Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 IT部門智慧資產與創新策略對於績效表現影響之研究
(Impact of IT Intellectual Capital on IT Innovation Strategy and Performance: A Study of IT Unit)
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摘要(中) 現在的商業環境變得越來越競爭,企業要生存在這樣的環境下是不容易的。二十一世紀是知識經濟的時代,隨著資訊科技與經濟環境的變遷,傳統以財務與有形資產為公司價值所在的觀念已逐漸式微,取而代之的是組織的核心競爭力、知識工作者、專業知識、創新程度…等無形資產所創造的價值。因此,學者提出一個新的衡量方法-「智慧資本」用來解釋目前許多公司的市場價值遠超過其賬面價值的情形,它可以協助高階主管以有系統的方式辨別公司內外對於生存競爭佔有重要地位的資產,也是幫助公司創造價值的重要因素,更是目前評估企業價值的重要參考指標。傳統的企業經營理念及策略,已經無法因應快速變遷及高度競爭的經營環境,必須有效轉型,才能永續經營。在益趨激烈的競爭環境下,如何建構一個「雙面兼具」 (Ambidextrous) 的組織,已成為越來越受到重視的課題。然而,企業組織既要妥善利用現有資源發揮「利用型創新」 (Exploitative Innovation) 與必須兼顧企業未來發展所須之「探索型創新」 (Explorative Innovation),對於內部資源有限的企業來說,著實是一具高度挑戰的管理議題。若能結合企業外部資
摘要(英) Business scenario is becoming competitive and it is not easy to survive in such difficult environment. Twenty-first centuries is the era of knowledge economy, as changes in the
information technology and economic environment, the traditional concept that use financial and tangible assets to value a company has gradually declined, replaced by other intangible value created such as organization’s core competitiveness, knowledge workers, professional knowledge, degree of innovation, etc. Therefore, researchers have proposed a new measure -"intellectual capital" to explain the case that many company’s current market value far exceeds its book value. It helps executives to identify assets that play an important role for the survival in a systematic way. The traditional business concept and strategy has been unable to deal with the fast change and highly competitive business environment, the enterprise has to transform effectively as to managing with an aim to become a perpetual going concern. In this kind of environment, how to construct an “ambidextrous" organization, has become an important issue. However, enterprises should not only play “exploitative innovation" but also take “explorative innovation" into account of the future development for enterprises. Ambidexterity will be a solution for the enterprises with resource constrained dilemma if they combined and accessed with resources outside. In this study, we investigated the relationship between IT department’s intellectual assets and innovation strategies, and the impact of its innovation strategies to their employees’ performance. From the intellectual asset view, the organization has good intellectual capital is the key to developed innovation strategies and to enhance the innovation ability. Study also found that exploit and explore innovative practice can practice simultaneously, helping IT departments to obtain better performance.
關鍵字(中) ★ 智慧資本
★ 人力資本
★ 結構資本
★ 關係資本
★ 利用式創新
★ 探索式創新
關鍵字(英) ★ Intellectual Capital
★ Human Capital
★ Structural Capital,
★ Relational Capital
★ Exploitative Innovation
★ Explorative Innovation
論文目次 中文摘要 ..................................................................................................................................... i
Abstract ..................................................................................................................................... ii
致謝 ........................................................................................................................................... iii
Contents .................................................................................................................................... iv
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................ vi
List of Figures ......................................................................................................................... vii
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Research Background and Motivations ............................................................................ 1
1.2 Research Purposes and Questions .................................................................................... 3
2 Literature Review .................................................................................................................. 4
2.1 Intellectual Capital ............................................................................................................ 4
2.1.1 Human Capital ......................................................................................................... 5
2.1.2 Relational Capital .................................................................................................... 6
2.1.3 Structural Capital .................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Explorative Innovation Strategy and Exploitative Innovation Strategy ........................... 8
3 Research Model and Hypotheses ........................................................................................ 10
3.1 Research Framework ...................................................................................................... 10
3.2 Research Hypothesis ...................................................................................................... 11
3.2.1 Human Capital and Explorative Innovation Strategy .............................................. 11
3.2.2 Human Capital and Exploitative Innovation Strategy ............................................. 12
3.2.3 Relational Capital and Explorative Innovation Strategy ......................................... 13
3.2.4 Relational Capital and Exploitative Innovation Strategy ........................................ 14
3.2.5 Structural Capital and Explorative Innovation Strategy .......................................... 14
3.2.6 Structural Capital and Exploitative Innovation Strategy ......................................... 15
3.2.7 Explorative Innovation Strategy and IT Unit Performance ..................................... 16
3.2.8 Exploitative Innovation Strategy and IT unit Performance ..................................... 17
3.2.9 IT Unit Performance and Organizational Performance ........................................... 18
4 Research Methodology ........................................................................................................ 20
4.1 Sample Selection and Data Collection ........................................................................... 20
4.2 Constructs Definition and Operationalization ................................................................ 21
4.2.1 Human Capital ......................................................................................................... 22
4.2.2 Relational Capital .................................................................................................... 23
4.2.3 Structural Capital ..................................................................................................... 23
4.2.4 Explorative Innovation Strategy .............................................................................. 24
4.2.5 Exploitative Innovation Strategy ............................................................................. 25
4.2.6 IT Unit Performance ................................................................................................ 26
4.2.7 Organizational Performance .................................................................................... 27
5 Data Analysis and Results ................................................................................................... 28
5.1 Respondent Characteristics ............................................................................................ 28
5.2 Measurement Model ....................................................................................................... 30
5.3 Structural Model ............................................................................................................. 36
6 Conclusions .......................................................................................................................... 39
6.1 Findings and Discussion ................................................................................................. 39
6.2 Implications .................................................................................................................... 41
6.3 Research Limitations ...................................................................................................... 43
References ................................................................................................................................ 45
Appendix Questionnaire ........................................................................................................ 52
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指導教授 王存國(Tsun-guo Wang) 審核日期 2013-7-15
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