摘要(英) |
In campus, authorities or enterprises, by virtue of the variety needs of the investigation research, usually make various questionnaires to acquire more information. In the form of the traditional practice, it takes not only a great deal of time to print the questionnaires, but also consumes a considerable amount of time and spirit to distribute, retrieve and integrate. By the way, the controllability of the questionnaires is not very well, because it always poses the problem of the contents of the volumes which are ommisive or the volumes which are wasted. The system build on the fundamentals of the technique of information, construting the better system of design, distribution, investigation, retrieve, and integration. It contrives to resolve the problems that we have mentioned.
「The Survey System」adopts the technique of PHP and MYSQL, Linux+PHP+MYSQL. Through such investigation system of the questionnaires, it escapes from the limitation of time and space. According to the identifications, names, and E-mails of the students, it can also facilitate our conprehension of their learing about the calculus. Furthermore, by virtue of the ability of computer calculation to conduct the analysis of data, we can shiftly inform teachers and relative apartments of instruction of the students’ learning situation. Consequently, teachers can base on the information provided by the computer system to realize the problems of the students, and then make further adjustment to enhence the quality and efficiency of the education. |
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