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姓名 簡筑伃(Chu-yu Chien)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 環境工程研究所
論文名稱 操作因子對薄膜生物反應器處理成效與溶解性微生物產物特性之探討
(Effects of operational factors on trentment efficiency and soluble microbial products in Membrane)
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摘要(中) 本研究建立一套薄膜生物反應器(Membrane bioreactor, MBR),以人工合成廢水為基質,比較不同污泥停留時間(sludge retention time, SRT) 10、20及40天,與不同進流COD濃度300、600及900 mg/L條件下,對MBR槽中水與出流水之水質處理成效、溶解性微生物產物(soluble microbial products, SMP)的生成與特性影響。
研究結果顯示,MBR對COD處理成效於SRT 20天最好,進流COD濃度於600 mg/L去除效果最差;SMP中的蛋白質及碳水化合物含量與蛋白質及碳水化合物比值(P/C)顯示,槽中生物質的利用以蛋白質為主,產生之SMP以碳水化合物為主,且碳水化合物較蛋白質易被薄膜阻擋而累積於槽中;由SCODSMP、DOCSMP佔SCOD及DOC的比例顯示在出流水中皆大於90%,表示DOC與SCOD的主要來源為SMP,此外,由槽中水至出流水SCODSMP、DOCSMP數值增加,表示其SMP屬於易通過薄膜的小分子,將其視為與基質代謝和微生物生長相關的SMP物質(Utilization-Associated Products, UAP);於EEM分析的SMP結果則是出流水小於槽中水,表示薄膜過濾槽中屬大分子之SMP物質,將其視為較大且難分解物質,屬與微生物衰減相關,直接由菌體產生的附帶細胞產物(Biomass-Associated Products, BAP)。
於進流COD濃度為300、600及900 mg/L變化下,MBR槽中與出流水的水質處理成效先降後升,且在基質充足的條件下,槽中生物質的增加,生長代謝的作用加劇,使SCODSMP、DOCSMP有增加的情形;蛋白質的利用則是於進流COD濃度為600 mg/L時達上限,使得蛋白質的變化於進流COD濃度為300、600 mg/L時,無明顯變化,且逐漸分解部分的碳水化合物,使其值於進流COD濃度為900 mg/L時有下降的現象;於分子量分佈的情形顯示,SMP以UAP物質為主,當進流COD濃度達900 mg/L時,SMP中BAP與UAP所佔的比例相當,且隨進流COD濃度增加,UAP及BAP的分子量分佈範圍也皆略為增加;於EEM分析可知,槽中水類SMP物質濃度,因槽中生物質生長迅速,且在基質充足的情況下,生物質釋出的SMP物質隨之增加,且因過量的進流COD濃度,使得槽中亦有老化、死亡的生物質累積,因此槽中水SMP濃度隨進流COD濃度增加而增加。
摘要(英) The objectives of this study were to investigate the treatment efficiency of synthetic wastewater by membrane bioreactor (MBR) and to elucidate the characteristics of soluble microbial products (SMP) at different operation parameters, including sludge retention time (SRT) 10, 20 and 40 days and influent COD concentration 300, 600 and 900 mg/L.
The results showed that the optimum treatment efficiency was occurred at operation parameter SRT 20 days. On the characteristic effect of SMP, the major component of SMP was carbohydrate and the most utilization substrate for biomass in the MBR was protein, however, the carbohydrate was easily to block the membrane filtration than the protein resulting to the concentration accumulated in the tank of MBR. Owing to the ratio of SCODSMP/SCOD and DOCSMP/DOC in the effluent grater than 90%, that is, the main contains of SCOD and DOC is SMP in the effluent. Furthermore, the concentration of SCODSMP and DOCSMP were increased from the MBR to the effluent showed that the small molecular of SMP, which belonged to UAP (Utilization-Associated Products), was easily to pass through the membrane. On the analysis of EEM, the intensity of EEM spectra of the effluent was smaller than in the tank revealed that larger molecular of SMP, which belonged to BAP (Biomass-Associated Products), was blocked by this membrane.
The treatment efficiency of UV254, SCODSMP, DOCSMP, SCODSMP/SCOD and DOCSMP/DOC was increased with the increase of SRT. This phenomenon revealed that the substrate utilization is increased with the growth of biomass resulting in improve the release of the double bond material and SMP. Because of the excessive biomass growth and the carbon source was insufficient, therefore, SMP was utilized as the food for biomass so that the concentration of SMP was dropt down at SRT 40 days. Nevertheless, the utilization of protein and the generation of carbohydrate were improved so that the ratio of protein to carbohydrate (P/C) was decrease. On the molecular weight distribution, the range of molecular weight distribution of UAP and BAP had a slight increase when the SRT increased. In addition, the concentration of SMP-like analyzed by EEM spectrum in MBR was increased with the increase of SRT due to the decay of the excessive biomass as well as the compositions of SMP was raised in the effluent.
The treatment efficiency was initially increased and then decreased corresponding to the variation of influent COD concentration 300, 600 and 900 mg/L. Simultaneously, the concentration of SCODSMP and DOCSMP also increased when the substrate was sufficient for the metabolism of biomass in MBR. On the molecular weight distribution, the major component of SMP was UAP, however, the concentration of BAP and UAP was similar at influent COD concentration 900 mg/L. Furthermore, the range of molecular weight distribution of BAP and UAP had broadened with the increase of the influent COD concentration. Finally, the concentration of SMP-like analyzed by EEM spectra in MBR was increased with the increase of influent COD concentration due to the substrate was sufficient for the metabolism of biomass in MBR.
Keyword: membrane bioreactor (MBR), soluble microbial products (SMP), sludge retention time (SRT), influent COD concentration
關鍵字(中) ★ 薄膜生物反應器
★ 溶解性微生物產物
★ 進流COD 濃度
關鍵字(英) ★ membrane bioreactor (MBR)
★ soluble microbial products (SMP)
★ sludge retention time (SRT)
★ influent COD concentration
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract III
誌謝 V
目錄 VI
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 XI
符號表示 XIII
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究緣起 1
1.2 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 薄膜生物反應器 4
2.1.1 MBR之優缺點 4
2.1.2 MBR分類 5
2.1.3 MBR模組與材料 7
2.1.4 MBR出流水特性 8
2.2 影響MBR積垢成因 11
2.2.1 MBR積垢 11
2.2.2 積垢類型 13
2.2.3積垢因子 15
2.2.4 薄膜積垢清洗 20
2.3 MBR操作因子 24
2.4 SMP簡介 27
2.4.1 SMP分類 27
2.4.2 SMP起源 29
2.4.3 SMP特性 30
2.5 MBR操作因子對SMP之影響 33
2.6 SMP特性與含量轉換推估 37
第三章 實驗材料與方法 45
3.1 模組特性 45
3.1.1 模廠建置 45
3.1.2 污泥來源及馴養 45
3.1.3進流水樣 49
3.1.4薄膜單元 49
3.1.5 MBR操作條件 51
3.2 實驗儀器與設備 52
3.3實驗藥品 53
3.4 實驗分析項目 54
3.5 實驗分析方法與步驟 57
3.6 SMP含量計算與表示 64
第四章 結果與討論 65
4.1 MBR處理成效 65
4.1.1 MBR操作情況 65
4.1.2 變化SRT對水質特性之影響 69
4.1.3 變化進流COD對水質特性之影響 75
4.1.4 SRT與進流COD濃度變化結果之差異性 83
4.2 不同SRT之SMP含量變化 85
4.2.1 SMP中碳水化合物與蛋白質組成變化 85
4.2.2 蛋白質與碳水化合物比值 86
4.2.3 SMP含量變化 86
4.3 不同進流COD濃度之SMP含量變化 91
4.3.1 SMP中碳水化合物與蛋白質組成變化 91
4.3.2 蛋白質與碳水化合物比值 92
4.3.3 SMP含量變化 93
4.4 不同SRT之SMP特性 96
4.4.1 分子量分佈 96
4.4.2 EEM分析 102
4.5 不同進流COD濃度之SMP特性 106
4.5.1 分子量分佈 106
4.5.2 EEM分析 111
4.6 綜合評析 114
第五章 結論與建議 117
5.1 結論 117
5.2 建議 121
參考文獻 122
附錄 139
附錄一 薄膜清洗頻率 140
附錄二 各條件下進流水之蛋白質與碳水化合物含量 141
附錄三 碳水化合物與蛋白質佔SMP含量計算 143
附錄四 SMP之含量計算(以SCOD、DOC表示) 144
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指導教授 曾迪華(Dyi-hwa Tseng) 審核日期 2013-7-2
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