博碩士論文 100327006 詳細資訊

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姓名 賴韋志(LAI WEI-ZHI)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光機電工程研究所
論文名稱 衝擊放大式微重力計電腦模擬軟體開發
★ CIS數位影像處理平台之建構★ 微電鍍成長速度最佳化與影像監控
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★ 地磁感測儀研發★ 雙頻式超音波測距系統之最佳化研究
★ 鋰電池殘電量測系統及校正★ 影像壓縮網路攝影平台
★ 智慧型網路攝影平台★ 無扭力計跑步機跑者步態量測
★ ESEMS太空氣象科學酬載叢集★ 影像辨識測試平台的開發
★ 智慧型網路攝影機開發平台★ 可補償高精度三軸地磁量測平台
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摘要(中) 研發微重力計時,十分不容易營造可以進行實際測試與驗證的環境。本論文開發一個模擬電腦軟體,真切的模擬衝擊放大式微重力計在微重力環境中的系統動態模型和加速規訊號取樣,以便提供開發微重力計演算方法時可以依據的數據。
摘要(英) In developing a micro gravity sensor, it is very difficult to establish a proper environment for its verification or calibration. Therefore, we develop a vivid dynamics simulation program of the impulse micro gravity sensing system and the sensing of its accelerometer so that the simulation output can be applied by the micro gravity data processing as the measurement data to recover the gravity magnitude as it should be.
In the impulse microgravity accelerometer under development, a mass ball accumulates the acceleration of micro gravity through out its travel to collide with the MEMS accelerometer at the end of the travel. The accelerometer measures the impulses of significant magnitudes through out the impact for the estimation algorithms to calculate the microgravity by momentum conservation. Physical data taken from the prototype of the micro gravity sensing system revealed impact phenomena critical to the micro gravity estimation and served as the evidence to verify the functions of the simulator. The data of the spring vibration after the mass ball impact alows an accurate estimation of its spring constant and damping factor for the simulation model. The dynamic parameters of the simulator can be adjusted in search of an optimal design. The measurement and data sampling parameters and noise contents in the simulation of accelerometer read out can also be adjusted to test the robustness of the microgravity estimation algorithm.
關鍵字(中) ★ 微重力計
★ 動態模擬
★ 系統動態模型
★ MEMS加速規
論文目次 論文摘要 I
致謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究目的與動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 1
1.3 研究構想 4
1.4 論文章節 6
第二章 理論及技術基礎 7
2.1 物理原理 7
2.2 數學模型 9
2.3 電腦數值模型 11
第三章 系統設計 14
3.1 衝擊放大式微重力系統 14
3.2 機械動態模型 17
3.3 系統方塊 21
3.4 軟體演算法 22
第四章 實驗數據分析與討論 30
4.1 動力學動態特性驗證實驗 30
4.2 二分逼近法求分離點效能驗證實驗 32
4.3 二分逼近法求碰撞點與非彈性碰撞效能驗證實驗 36
4.4 加速規取樣模擬實驗 43
4.5 模擬軟體效能實測實驗 46
第五章 結論 50
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指導教授 江士標 審核日期 2013-8-7
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