博碩士論文 101226036 詳細資訊

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姓名 賴啟勝(Chi-Sheng Lai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 有損中間層引介之光學效應於實現最大光穿透率至薄膜太陽能電池吸收層之研究
(Investigation of Lossy-Film-Induced Optical Effects for Maximum Transmittance into Absorption Layers of Thin-Film Solar Cells)
★ 以金屬與多層介電質組態實現可運用於矽基奈米光路之波導90度轉折結構★ 發展半解析法以設計高次模態合成之三維波導電漿子布拉格光柵
★ 以非對稱金屬與多層介電質組態實現可運用於奈米光路之方向性耦合器極化分離器★ 以金屬與多層介電質組態為基礎之新型波導布拉格光柵
★ 以保角映射結合傳輸線網路法設計與分析表面電漿轉折波導: 理論計算與數值模擬之比較★ 以模擬退火演算法及考慮太陽光譜權重對具金屬背電極之太陽能電池設計寬頻與全向位抗反射層
★ 探討包含金屬之非對稱、單一位能障壁系統中輻射模態致發之共振光學穿隧★ 橫電極化光波入射非對稱「金屬-介電質」多層結構之共振耦合研究
★ 光波至混合電漿波導極化模態轉換器★ 基於模態漸變之嵌入式矽波導至混合電漿波導極化模態轉換器
★ 理論探討以金屬內部光輻射為基礎之太陽能光電轉換★ 以具全極化二維週期奈米結構之「金屬-介電質-金屬」吸收體實現電漿子增強之光電轉換
★ 具耦合電漿子增強之可見光波段電漿子光偵測器★ 適用於覆晶封裝、厚度薄型化矽基光電二極體之一維光柵: 設計與分析
★ 多原子層鋁膜中電子與聲子間之散射研究
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摘要(中) 本研究探討有損中間層引介之光學效應對於實現最大光穿透率至薄膜太陽能電池吸收層之影響。
摘要(英) In this research, we investigate lossy-film-induced optical effects for a maximum average transmittance into absorption layers of thin-film solar cells. Using the transfer matrix method incorporated with the Poynting theorem successfully calculates optical transmittance passing through an arbitrary interface in multilayered structure. In a single lossy film case, we show that the film thickness at which the reflectance minimum occurs does not coincide at the same thickness as having a maximum transmittance. In general, when the extinction coefficient of the film is gradually increased, the reflectance minima moves toward smaller values of film thickness while the transmittance maximum shifts in the opposite direction. As the incident angle is increased, the maximum extinction coefficient at which the maximum transmittance still exists at a non-zero film thickness increases for TE waves. In contrast, TM waves behave just oppositlely. Since the interlayers of a typical CIGS solar cell are lossy, using minimum reflectance as the requirement of anti-reflection (AR) coating designs may not be appropriate. Instead, it should be the transmittance penetrating into the absorption layer that may be appropriate as the design criterion.
Based on the results described in Chapters two and three, Chapter four reports the optimizations of interlayers and AR coating of a typical CIGS solar cell using simulated annealing (SA) algorithm incorporated with the solar irradiance spectrum for broadband (350 nm ~ 1200 nm) and omnidirectional (0~80) operations. The results show that using a target function of minimum reflectance, the thickness of AZO layer is close to the upper limit of the searching range used in SA. On the contrary, when the target function of maximum transmittance into the absorption layer is used, the AZO layer thickness is close to its lower limit. The optimized interlayers and two-layer AR coating with the maximum transmittance criterion exhibit an average transmittance of >80% and an average reflectance of <3.81%. In contrast, when a minimum reflectance requirement is used, the optimized results show an average reflectance of <2.45%, but the average transmittance is only 57.36%. When taking the solar spectrum weighting (SSW) into consideration, both target functions can result in a smaller reflectance and higher transmittance over the wavelengths with stronger solar irradiance, although the differences in the transmittance between designs with and without the SSW are subtle for the minimum reflectance designs due to a thicker AZO layer thickness.
關鍵字(中) ★ 太陽能電池
★ 薄膜
★ 穿透率
關鍵字(英) ★ solar cell
★ thin film
★ transmittance
論文目次 目錄
謝誌.................................................... iv
目錄................................................... v
表目錄................................................. xii
一、緒論................................................ 1
1.1 前言. . . . .................. . . . . . . . . . .. 1
1.2 文獻回顧............................................ 3
1.3 研究動機.............................................7
2.1 平面多層有損材料中之電磁場描述. ............... . . . ... 8
2.2 完美電導體於轉移矩陣法之設定. . . ............. . . . .. 12
2.3 平面多層有損材料之於任一介面之穿透率推導...................13
2.4 程式驗證. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . .. 19
2.5 模擬熱退火最佳化演算法簡介. . . . . . . .... . . . . .. 20
2.5.1 模擬熱退火演算法參數介紹..............................21
2.5.2 程式執行流程說明. . . . . . . . ..... ... . . . . .. 22
3.1 平層有損膜層於三層介質之探討............................24
3.2 以非晶矽薄膜太陽能電池為例. . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. 27
3.3 以銅銦鎵硒薄膜太陽能電池為..... . .... . ...... . ..... 29
3.3.1 探討個別損中間層引介之不匹配情形........................29
3.3.2 角度平均之厚度不匹配討論. . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. 36
3.3.3 厚度平均之角度不匹配. . . . . . . . ............ .. 40
3.4 橫向磁場下改變AZO厚度時厚度不匹配之探討..................43
四、考慮至薄膜太陽能電池之吸收層具最大穿透率之最佳化設計........ 47
4.1 最佳化設計之目標函數說明................................47
4.2 銅銦鎵硒薄膜太陽能電池之中間層與抗反射層之光學最佳化設計..... 49
4.2.1 考慮太陽光譜且最佳化目標函數為FT ..... . .... ......... 51
4.2.2 考慮太陽光譜且最佳化目標函數為fR . . . . . . . . . .. 52
4.2.3 無太陽光譜加權之最佳化設計.............................54
4.3 討論於不同之目標函數下太陽光譜加權之影響. . . . . . . . .. 58
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指導教授 張殷榮(Yin-Jung Chang) 審核日期 2013-8-28
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