博碩士論文 962206003 詳細資訊

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姓名 俞文翔(Wen-Hsiang Yu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 耦合表面電漿模態之線性與非線性侷域場分析與應用於微量分子感測上之設計與驗證
(The Analysis of Linear and Nonlinear Localization Characteristics of Coupled Surface Plasmon Mode and Applied to the Design and the Demonstration in Single Molecule Detection)
★ 以側磨光纖半塊材耦合器激發微米球型共振腔基模之研究★ 以氬離子雷射對玻璃材料加工之研究
★ 以裸光纖激發球共振腔之共振譜研究★ 錐狀平面波導光柵結構與微米小球共振腔之光耦合效率研究
★ 溶膠凝膠法合成以鉭元素為基礎的全固態電致變色元件★ S型彎曲波導與微米小球共振腔之光耦合效率研究
★ 錐狀光纖與微米球共振腔耦合之研究與應用★ 以鎖模鈦藍寶石飛秒雷射雙光子聚合製作光波導微結構之研究
★ 利用光子晶體的能隙邊緣移動達成全光開關之研究★ 利用繞射圖形檢測錐狀光纖的製造與品質
★ 利用雙光子聚合技術製作高耦合效率波導陣列光纖耦合器★ 光學印刷電路板之製作與特性分析
★ 鈉鉀離子交換波導之製作及其表面消逝波之研究★ 拉伸式長週期光纖光柵的模態色散現象研究
★ 可調式窄頻液晶濾波器★ 基於D形光纖之拉曼感測器模擬與設計
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摘要(中) 短短的數十年內,間隙表面電漿之發展已從科幻邁入真實,並於表面電漿迴路、太赫茲產生、近場光學顯微鏡、高密度資料儲存、高效率太陽能電池、單分子檢測、光熱治療與生物標籤等領域扮演了舉足輕重的角色。本論文對於間隙結構中之耦合表面電漿模態進行了線性/非線性和侷域/非侷域之全波向量特性分析,並進一步將分析結果應用於單分子之探測上。
實驗上,「單分子表面增強異常閃爍拉曼光譜」之研究,基於自行建立的拉曼顯微鏡,清晰的觀測了間隙表面電漿輔助誘發之單分子拉曼光譜,而其中同調閃爍之震動模態被歸因於震動模式之耦合;「在金奈米島間中之光頻率混合」之研究,基於自行建立之多色激發-探測系統,實現了小於40 fs四波混合的鬆弛時間量測;「三維光學塔柏效應」之研究,基於近場光學顯微鏡之超空間解析能力,繪製了在繞射極限下之三維干涉圖形。
摘要(英) For the past few decades, the development of gap plasmons has been turned from science fiction into reality, and played a pivotal role in the fields of nanocircuitry, terahertz generation, near-field optical microscopy, high-density data storage, high efficiency solar cells, single molecule detection, photo-thermal therapy, and nontoxic bio-labels. This thesis presents in depth full-vectorial analysis for the linear/nonlinear and local/nonlocal properties of coupled surface plasmons in a variety of gap structures, and the application to the detection of single molecule.
In the structure design and analysis, the “plasmonic superprism” was proposed for the analysis of angular dispersion of light waves in free space. It can be readily used for the manufacture of miniaturized spectrometer with a detection sensitivity as high as 5.4˚/nm; The “plasmonic carousel” explored the origin of giant mode splitting from intracavity resonance. This effect wad found useful in simultaneously monitoring the position and the polarizability of nano-objects; the “indefinite cavity” revisits the Goos-Hänchen phase shift in a tiny metallic slit, and the peculiar resonance was applied to design an optical cavity with infinite enhancement factor and nearly zero mode; the “nonlinear Raman enhancement and temperature suppression” unraveled the strong coupling between the temperature field and electromagnetic field in metal nanoparticles. The nonlinear relationship between the temperature and the electromagnetic enhancement as a function of illumination intensity was tailored to give appropriate detection sensitivity for single molecules while avoid thermal degradation.
Experimentally, the study “anomalous blinking characteristic in single molecule surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy” based on home-built Raman microscope clearly observed the gap plasmons assisted single molecule Raman scattering. Of particular interest, the synchronous blinking in various vibrational modes was attributed to the vibronic coupling; the study “optical frequency mixing at gold nanoisland” was conducted basing on home-built multi-color pump-probe system. Four wave mixing dynamics with a temporal resolution <40 fs was relaized which is useful for nonlinear spectroscopy and bio-labeling; “three dimensional optical Talbot carpet” was demonstrated based on scanning near-field optical microscope, where 3D interference pattern beyond the diffraction limit was mapped.
This thesis opens an avenue for studying of the interactions between surface plasmons and nano-objects where the dynamics were probed by spatial-temporal resolved spectroscopy. The results will certainly benefit to the scientic society, particularly in the fields of bio-photonics and next-generation nanosystems.
關鍵字(中) ★ 表面電漿子學
★ 表面電漿模態
關鍵字(英) ★ Plasmonics
★ Surface Plasmon Mode
論文目次 目 錄
摘 要 I
誌 謝 IV
目 錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XIV
符號說明 XV
一、序論 1
1-1歷史背景 1
1-2研究動機 4
1-3論文架構 5
二、表面電漿模態之基本理論 7
2-1 傳播型式表面電漿模態 7
2-1-1 金屬-介電質界面之表面電漿模態 7
2-1-2 基於介電質-金屬-介電質結構之長距離耦合表面電漿模態 10
2-1-3 基於金屬-介電質-金屬結構之場增強耦合表面電漿模態 13
2-1-4光學耦合器 15
2-2 侷域化表面電漿模態 17
三、數值模擬方法 19
3-1有限時域差分法 19
3-1-1簡介 19
3-1-2數值邊界條件 21
3-2-3色散材料之模擬 30
3-2-4總場-散射場連結邊界條件 35
3-2有限差分法 39
四、次波長尺度光感測結構之設計 44
4-1表面電漿超稜鏡 44
4-1-1 簡介 44
4-1-2 異質金屬-介電質-金屬表面電漿準對稱模態之傳播特性 45
4-1-3 模態強色散區域與角色散分光之連結 49
4-1-4表面電漿超稜鏡與折射率分光效應 50
4-2表面電漿輸送環 52
4-2-1 簡介 52
4-2-2 模態分裂之成因 52
4-2-3 相位加速現象 57
4-2-4 彎曲角度相依之模態分裂 58
4-2-5利用模態分裂與波長平移同時偵測單奈米物體之電極化率與位置 59
4-3無定義共振腔 61
4-3-1 簡介 61
4-3-2 次波長表面電漿狹縫之Goos-Hänchen相位平移 62
4-3-3 無定義共振腔之滿足條件 67
4-4非侷域溫度-電磁場交互作用對單分子表面增強拉曼感測之貢獻 68
4-4-1 簡介 68
4-4-2 模型與數值過程 70
4-4-3 計算結果與討論 73
五、實驗架設之建立與結果 79
5-1單分子表面增強拉曼閃爍效應 79
5-1-1 簡介 79
5-1-2群體分子之表面增強拉曼散射 81
5-1-3單分子表面增強拉曼閃爍效應 87
5-2利用寬頻激發-探測技術偵測金分子膜之四波混合效應 94
5-2-1 實驗架設 94
5-2-2量測結果之驗證與分析 96
5-3朝向超空間解析表面增強同調/非同調分子光譜-利用塔柏圖形驗證近場光學顯微術之次波長空間解析能力 102
5-3-1 實驗架設 102
5-3-2 光學塔柏圖形之量測 104
六、 結論與未來展望 108
七、 參考文獻 111
參考文獻 參考文獻
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指導教授 戴朝義(Chao-Yi Tai) 審核日期 2013-12-26
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