博碩士論文 100121603 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYi Liuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本文以邵晉涵史學之形成與發展為主線,凡餘姚邵氏家學、浙東學術、乾嘉考據學、政治環境之影響,皆作深入論述。 首章為全文之背景。藉考辨章學誠〈浙東學術〉一文,論述清代浙東學術之源流,並將其特徵歸結為「傳承文獻」與「經世致用」。繼而梳理邵氏家學之傳承,邵廷采、邵向榮、邵陞陛諸人之學術,雖漸由心性轉向經史,然從未與浙東學術相割裂。 第二章至第五章為全文之主幹,敘論邵晉涵史學形成之四個階段。(一)、早年隨祖父邵向榮受業,獲聞族祖邵廷采之學行,為學重在誦經考史;對浙東學者王守仁、劉宗周、黃宗羲、萬斯同、全祖望之著述有所涉獵,心生景仰;蘊蓄己深,學養既厚,發為歌詩,多關乎史事。(二)、中舉入都之後,從游於錢大昕、朱筠之門,與戴震、段玉裁切磋論學,研經治史,漸趨向於訓詁考據;以《韓詩內傳考》為例,可考見其所受樸學浸染之深。(三)、自乾隆三十六年冬,至次年秋,與章學誠同寓朱筠幕下,深入論史,重讀邵廷采之著述,注重「著述成家」與「史學義例」之闡發;其後二十年間,南北離合,學術差異漸著,章氏〈邵與桐別傳〉之撰,實有深意。(四)、乾隆三十八年後,任《四庫全書》纂修官,纂輯《舊五代史》諸書,寓史家深意於文獻之中;文字之忌諱,皇帝之過問,「提要稿」之刪改,影響學術心態甚巨;激蕩史筆,主張「以婉辭存直道」。 末章為全文之結論。重修《宋史》之志,實與黃宗羲、全祖望一脈相承,因學術風格、政治環境之影響,未獲成書。然掇拾其現存著述,傳承文獻之職志,經世致用之精神,躍然紙上。邵晉涵實無愧於浙東學術之重要傳人。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis thesis focuses on Shao Jinhan’s historiography, and how the Shao family learning left a mark on him. The Shaos in Yuyao, East Zhejiang, represented the scholarship of textual criticism attributed to the Qianlong and Jiaqing period. The first chapter addresses the origin of East Zhejiang scholarship as seen in Zhang Xuecheng’s essay East Zhejiang Scholarship and summarizes the contents and characteristics of East Zhejiang scholarship. The intellectual heritage of the Shao family is also analyzed. The Shaos including Tingcai, Xiangrong, and Shengbi, who never cut loose with East Zhejiang scholarship, changed their focus from the study of human nature to that of historical classics. Chapters two to five narrates the four phases of Shao Jinhan’s historiography. In the first phase, Shao, at his early age, studied with his grandfather Xiangrong to learn the scholarship of the forefather Shao Tingcai as well as the works by East Zhejiang scholars, such as Wang Shouren, Liu Zongzhou, Huang Zongxi, Wan Sitong, and Quan Zuwang. Shao Jinhan henceforth accumulated his learning and found interest in composing poems and writing history. During the second phase, after having passed the civil service examinations on local level, he went on to the imperial capital to study with Qian Daxin and Zhu Yun. There he also met with the distinguished scholars, such as Dai Zhen and Duan Yucai. Thanks to their influence, he was inclined to specialize in exegetics and textual criticism (known also as Puxue). What he had learned at this time made manifest in his work entitled Textual Criticism of the Exegesis of the Book of Songs by Han Ying (Hanshi Neizhuan Kao). The third phase began from the winter of the 36th year of Qian Long’s reign to next year’s fall, during which Shao had in-depth discussions on history, with Zhang Xuecheng at Zhu Yun’s home. He re-read Shao Tingcai’s treatises and attached an importance to writing systematically with refined style and to clarifying the purpose of historiography. Entering into the fourth phase in the 38th year of Qian Long’s reign, Shao had been working as the compiler of Complete Library in Four Sections (Siku Quanshu), mainly in charge of Old History of Five Dynasties (Jiu Wudaishi) and the like. He endowed these books with a historian’s profound thoughts. His academic attitude was markedly affected by the lexical taboos and emperor’s interference. The conclusion of this thesis is that Shao Jinhan’s ambition to amend History of the Song Dynasty (Song Shi), was practically in line with Huang Zongxi and Quan Zuwang. His effort, however, failed to come about on account of his personal problems and the political environment at that time. Yet his works passed down till now clearly mirror his cultural heritage and his spirit of realistic pragmatism. Undoubtedly, Shao Jinhan was an indispensable heir to East Zhejiang scholarship. en_US
DC.subjectShao Jinhanen_US
DC.subjectfamily learning of the Shaos in Yuyaoen_US
DC.subjectEast Zhejiang scholarshipen_US
DC.subjecttextual criticism in the dynasties of Qianlong and Jiaqingen_US
DC.titleA Study of Shao Jinhan’s Historiographyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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