博碩士論文 100125006 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChi-Hui Wangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract摘 要 本文探究臺灣山區植物由黑暗、啟蒙、探尋、底定以至彰顯於世之沿革發展,並進而探討臺灣山區植物由專業知識進入民間成為寓教於樂的過程。 晚清開港通商前可謂臺灣山區植物的「黑暗時期」,因政策、原住民等限制,對臺灣高山地區多所怯步,僅能藉由自然因素、交易甚或依賴傳說得知臺灣山區植物訊息。清末西人來臺,開啟臺灣探險之門,同時將西方植物科學知識傳播臺灣,更迭臺灣植物自中國傳統地方誌之書寫模式。雖然臺灣山區植物因西人面臨多種現實因素而受阻礙,但以西方科學知識概念為主的植物學學術體系卻影響臺灣植物學之發展,可謂臺灣植物學的「啟蒙時期」。 臺灣山區植物正式為世人所知應溯及日治時期,為求順利掌控治理臺灣,臺灣總督府聘請多位學者及派駐眾多技師、技手在臺進行研究調查。與發現臺灣山區植物關係最密切者以攀登新高山(今玉山)為關鍵,其次則是透過如「本島有用植物調查」,再者為理蕃政策、臺灣博物學會等多種組織,沉寂多時的西人亦因臺灣政權穩定,重啟來臺採集植物之契機。日治時期臺灣總督府為臺灣植物與高山植物建構完整的植物學體系,而此時在臺的高山植物探查則可謂「探尋與底定時期」。 隨臺灣總督府多種政策的施行與教育的推行,臺灣高山植物開始「大鳴大放」,亦可證明臺灣總督府山林政策的成功,使民眾得以親近高山並獲得高山植物知識,同時也帶領民眾思考臺灣山區植物與自然環境的保存與永續發展。原本以日人主導的臺灣山區植物知識建構與發展,最後卻因第二次世界大戰日本戰敗而宣告終止。 關鍵詞:臺灣山區植物、植物採集調查、植物學教育、永續發展zh_TW
dc.description.abstractStriding Mountains And Writing Plants: Construction And Spread Knowledge About Taiwan Mountain Plants(1684-1945) Abstract This article explores Taiwan mountain plants from the period of darkness, enlightenment, exploring, and settled in final as well as the evolution and development of themselves. Furthermore, it also explores the process of Taiwan mountain plants from professional into civil knowledges. Before treaty ports were open to western in late Qing dynasty, it can be described as a "Dark Period" of mountain plants in Taiwan. Because of the indigenous people and other restrictions, Taiwan high mountain areas were prohibitive, only by natural factors, transaction, or legend that can get Taiwan mountain plants. When western people came to Taiwan after 1860, not only opened the door of exploration, spread the scientific knowledges of plants, but changed Chinese traditional writing mode of local history abou plants. Although they faced many obstracles, western scientific knowledge of botany based on academic system had still affected the development of Taiwan botany, it can be described the" Enlightenment Period ". Taiwan mountain plants were exposed to the world should be traced Japanese colonial period. For the sake of successful control, Taiwan Governors Office employed a number of scholars and technicians to investigate Taiwan mountain. The first step with relation to plants was climbed “Jade Mountain”, then set the "Island of Useful Plants Investigation", issued aboriginal policy, founded “Taiwan Museum Society” and other organizations. Because of political stability in Taiwan, opportunity for western to capture Taiwan plants was restarted again. Owing to Taiwan Governors Office established a comprehensive system of botany, this time can be described as "Explorated and Settled Period". With the implementation of education and various policies, Taiwan mountain plants were brilliant, not only proved the successful of Taiwan Forest Policy, prompted people to get close to mountains and acquired plants knowledges, but also led the people reflect the preservation and sustainable development of Taiwan montain plants. Although Japanese lead academic investagtions and studies for half of century, it also terminated after World War II. Keywords: Taiwan Mountain Plants, Plant collection and survey, Botany education, Sustainable developmenten_US
DC.subjectTaiwan Mountain Plantsen_US
DC.subjectPlant collection and surveyen_US
DC.subjectBotany educationen_US
DC.subjectSustainable developmenten_US
DC.title踏寫山林: 臺灣山區植物知識的建構與傳佈(1684-1945)zh_TW
DC.titleStriding Mountains And Writing Plants: Construction And Spread Knowledge About Taiwan Mountain Plants(1684-1945)en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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