博碩士論文 100127005 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChu-Chun Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract經濟發展快速,消費成為生活中重要的能力。對求學中的孩子而言,文具是生活中的必需品,隨著年級的增加,需求也隨之增加。但是孩子並非天生就知道如何消費,本文將以文具消費為例,探討孩子學習成為一位消費者的歷程。   本研究參考文化循環的架構,從消費出發,探討學習消費如何與規則、認同、表徵、生產環節在消費文具的過程中接合,並了解(1)文具商品上的符碼如何影響學童的消費行為;(2)不同年齡、性別的孩子在文具消費過程中所展現的同儕認同、性別認同;(3)家長在文具消費學習過程中所扮演的角色;(4)學校與老師對學童學習文具消費的影響。(5)不同文具業者如何經營客群。   本研究採民族誌的方式進行,到不同形式的賣場進行觀察,對現場教師、家長、業者訪談,蒐集相關文獻,並將資料進行三角檢證。   研究中發現父母在孩子消費文具中扮演多重的角色,從指導者的角度來看,家長指導孩子如何在賣場表現正確良好的消費行為、文具的使用方式、符號的象徵意義,以及自身的品味。從仲裁分配者的角色來看,家長常面對手足之間的資源分配和參與消費的仲裁。研究也發現隨著孩子年齡增長,決策形式開始有了變化,孩子開始得到商品外型的決定權,到了國中,由於家長對於校園生活與學用品的陌生,孩子藉著自身對校園文化的熟悉,得到幾乎完整的消費自主權,在一連串學習消費的經驗中,小小消費者開始成為一位獨立的消費者。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith the development of economy, human consumption has become necessary in everyday life. Stationery, particularly for school children, is now a daily necessity to their life and their work—learning. The demand of stationery, nevertheless, changes as they grow. What is noteworthy is that children’s consumer behaviors are not natural. The purpose of this thesis is to explore their learning trajectory of becoming a customer by stationery consumption. This thesis is theoretically framed with the circuit of culture. Starting from the component of consumption, the thesis intends to explore how consumption, identity, representation, regulation and production are interconnected. Children’s stationery consumption with different ages and genders are further analyzed to examine the issues of 1) how peer identity and gender identity are shaped by stationery consumption, 2) how the relationship between product symbols and stereotypes has an influence on children’s consumption of stationery, 3) how parents achieve the empowerment, take the arbitration, and arrange the distribution according to different regulations of consumption, 4) what school regulations of consumption of stationery are made to pupils, and 5) how stationery vendors manage their customers. Ethnography was applied in this thesis. Observations were taken in different market settings. Teachers, parents and vendors were interviewed. Documents were collected. And, all of the data are triangulated. The result shows that parents play a quite vital role in children’s stationery consumption. They guide children towards the correct behaviors in the market, instruct children the necessity of trying out and the function of stationery, and explain the symbolic meaning. Meanwhile, parents might deliver their cultural capital and gender stereotype. Parents might need to solve the problem of resource distribution by taking arbitration and arranging distribution among their children in the consumption process. The result also reveals that the decision-making power changes with the increase of children’s ages. The transfer of decision-making power on product appearance to junior high schoolers results from parents’ unfamiliarity of campus life and stationery. Pupils eventually become independent consumers after such a long-term learning experience of consumption.en_US
DC.subjectelementary and junior high schoolersen_US
DC.subjectcultural studiesen_US
DC.titleLearning to Be a Consumer: A Study on elementary and junior high schoolers’ consumption of stationeryen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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