博碩士論文 100128003 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShu-Chin Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractThe overall objective of this study is to explore the interactive relationship between "Taiwan′s Peking Opera" and "playwriting of Peking opera " from the perspective of political and social changes. The subject period in this study including the Japanese occupation, during the anti-Japanese war and the period after Nationalist Party government moved to Taiwan. More specifically, the aim of this study attempts to explore how political patterns seek a breakthrough in the development of Peking opera, further restricting or promoting the adaption of Peking opera. Meanwhile, this study try to indicate the market which established by changes in social conditions, how affects the development of Peking opera. Also, we would like to know the way of market and art respond to Peking opera with political ideologies. There are the following characteristics of Peking opera development of this period (1949-1965): First, the development of policy followed the anti-Japanese war mode; Second, Peking Opera is portrayed as cultural propaganda weapon, for all intents and purposes. Although the creation of policy plays can go hand in hand with the creation of art, but policy plays got a poor response. Third, the development of opera became more popular through the media. Fourth, censorship dominated creation and performance, so it’s difficult to make a living, the troupe and actors gradually merged by the army, in order to subsistence. Fifth, actors and amateur performers, tend to blur the boundaries. Sixth, drama school system formed, the new generation of actors grew, appeared on the stage. In brief, the Peking opera of this period in Taiwan, seeking to create a pattern on one side, but because of political and social conditions, it is also constrained on the other side. However, the artistic-oriented Peking opera did not completely obliterate by the political considerations. This period can be regarded as a consolidation, and ultimately selected the most suitable development model for Peking opera.en_US
DC.subjectPeking operaen_US
DC.subjectanticommunist and opposing Russiaen_US
DC.subjectpolicy playsen_US
DC.titlePlaywriting of Peking Opera in Taiwan (1949-1965)- A Political and Social Perspectiveen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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