博碩士論文 100154004 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYueh-Chuan Wangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract山林的哲思、感性與倫理 摘要 都會化與消費文化走勢是當前及未來生活形態的主要發展模式,然而一旦都會生活出現困頓且思有以改善時,如何藉由親近山林獲得適當的生活資藉,以便脫困轉境而活出美好,這的確是值得吾人深思的重要課題。本論文即呼應這項議題,透過華夏哲學智慧及西方研究成果的應用與詮釋,來探索及反省當代急功近利的潮流中,人們漸漸喪失對周遭自然環境親臨體驗與深切認知、了解所可能衍生的惡果,從而圍繞著山林主題進行「提問–探究–解題」研究。 本文先從「仁者樂山」蘊涵的「生活之理」出發,雙向探究古人體驗自然的生活智慧,以及人置身荒野可能衍生的契機,來作為開啟生活改善的原初步構想。其次,再開發以「感性」探究為核心之「適的美學」和《林泉高致》的「山林感性」重構,來揭示與貞定「荒野啟動」所展現的動力。最後,呼應「宇宙觀點」的提示,透過「尋荒者倫理」、「野外休閒倫理」和「無痕山林倫理」,一體照應人的圓滿生活祈嚮,以及環境和其它物種之權益的應然行動規範,重構出山林的倫理闡釋。 本論文試圖把生活相關的山林感受和踩踏山林所體現的美學情懷寫出來,並詮釋成一種「山林歡樂論」和「戀山哲學」。最終,基於有效的研究及適切的誘因(特定勸誘的價值)之揭示,而嘗試在實踐上引導人們進入荒野、親近山林,得以在都會生活中輔助地轉化出正向的能量,期許讓這個世界變得更美好。 關鍵字:山林哲思、適的美學、山林感性、荒野啟動、山林歡樂論 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe Ecosophy, Aisthesis, and Ethics of Woods Abstract Urbanization and consumerism have become the trend of the lifestyle of the contemporary and future society. If the urban lifestyle becomes exhausting, desiring for improvement, how can urban people live a better life by exposing themselves to the woods where they are able to refresh themselves? This important issue deserves our deep thinking. My thesis aims to deepen people’s understanding of the shortcomings and evil consequences of the urban lifestyle because it gradually leads people away from being in contact with the natural environment, the woods nearby in particular. By investigating the wisdom of Chinese philosophy and Western research results, this thesis focuses on the subject matter of woods and its significance to people’s life. I address this issue by following the academic research process of inquiry-exploration-resolution. This thesis begins with “the way of life” implicated in the concept of “benevolent leshan.” It begins with investigating ancient people’s wisdom of life gained from being in nature as well as the entailing opportunity of being exposed to the wilderness as the prima facie idea to trigger the improvement of life. Next, this thesis explores the aisthesis of the fitness aesthetics and the aisthesis of woods in Lin Quan Gao Zhi to illustrate the impetus of “wilderness trigger.” Finally, this thesis complies with the cosmic view by exploring the ethics of the wilderness explorer, the ethics of outdoors recreation and the ethics of leave-no-trace. The well-being of human life, the rights of environment and other species thus may be fulfilled. In other words, this thesis attempts to express the feelings and thoughts of my personal experiences in walking in the woods. It’s an interpretation of the hedonism of woods trekking and the love of ecosophy. I sincerely wish that by this valid research and the revelation of the induced value (the incentive), urban people might be induced to enter into the wilderness, the woods nearby. Thus, they can develop the positive energy of life and make the world a better world. Keywords: Ecosophy, Fitness aesthetics, Aisthesis of woods, Wilderness trigger, Hedonism of woods trekking en_US
DC.subjectFitness aestheticsen_US
DC.subjectWilderness triggeren_US
DC.subjectHedonism of woods trekkingen_US
DC.subjectAisthesis of woodsen_US
DC.titleThe Ecosophy, Aisthesis, and Ethics of Woodsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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