博碩士論文 100181002 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorLi-Wen Yuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本文主要研究馮夢龍如何在晚明出版市場競取聲名。馮夢龍的出版活動跨越萬曆晚期、泰昌、天啟、崇禎,在羅伯特.達恩頓(Robert Darnton)的「傳播網絡」(communications circuit)上,更扮演了作者、編輯、出版者、書商多重角色,使得研究馮夢龍撰作、編輯、出版、銷售的考量,都應同時考慮他所具有的其它角色;馮夢龍的出版事業不僅經歷了由青衿到縉紳的身份轉變,他在經營出版事業時,更是同時具有儒者的士紳身份與商業化的文人身份。可以說,馮夢龍每一種著作的出版營銷(marketing),都涉及了他儒╱商雙重身份、多重角色的考量與抉擇,而研究馮夢龍一生的出版事業,可以有助於瞭解在出版業繁榮的晚明江南地區,一個在士紳群體中,社會地位較低的生員,如何透過出版營銷,以試圖改善個人的際遇,甚至取得仕途助益的具體過程。 馮夢龍研究迄今已近百年,許多研究論著以今日的學術研究方法觀照,不乏有缺乏論述過程、可信證據的問題。本文的第一章,先梳理、考證馮夢龍的著作,篩選出四十三種可信著作,再據成書時間先後排序,依馮夢龍跨足不同類型著作出版的時間,將他一生的出版事業,分成四個時期,在第二到五章分別加以探討。綜言之,馮夢龍的出版營銷,具有以下五點特色:一、擅長審酌時勢,調整他的出版策略,在合適的時間推出能夠得到出版市場良好迴響的著作,更藉此建立名聲。二、妥善藉助選擇出版者、使用不同的名號,以有效區隔、經營他的儒者與文人形象。三、結合不同時期交游網絡的拓展,推出得名公之助的著作。四、以雅俗共賞為編撰特色與市場定位(positioning)。五、以史家傳述的嚴謹精神作為編撰的重要特色,有別於任意刪節文本的書坊主,藉此脫穎而出。 本文透過研究身兼士紳與文人雙重身份的馮夢龍,試圖補正因士紳身份出版者的營銷資料雖多而零碎、研究方法的侷限,所致的現有研究問題,藉建構馮夢龍成名的過程,與探討其採用的營銷手法,以期能對晚明出版文化有更全面的瞭解。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract This essay mainly discusses how Feng Menglong earned the reputation in the publishing market in late Ming Dynasty. His marketing events had been holding from late Wanli, Taichang, Tianqi, until Chongzhen period was destroyed (1611 A.D.-1646 A.D.). According to Robert Darnton′s concept of ‘communications circuit’, Feng Menglong played multiple roles such as an author, an editor, a publisher, and a book seller, which is the reason why an overall consideration on his writng, editing, publishing and selling works is a must when discussing Feng’s creations. Feng′s identity changed from ‘qingjin, a scholar, to a ‘jinshen’, a scholar-official. While he was running his publication business, since he is not only a scholar-official but also a writer, we could tell that every of his publication was influenced by his multiple identities. In other words, all of his creating activities and publishing consideration are related to his doubled-identification. To study in his publication business would help to realize the procedure of how a junior scholar gained a positive reputation, improved his personal life, and even benefited his official encounter, among the prosperous publishing industry in late Ming Dynasty. Although the study about Feng Menglong has been studying for nearly a hundred year, there still have been several one-sided observations of his life, with a modern researching method, due to the lack of procedure to form his life encounter and also corresponding evidences. In the first chapter, Feng’s forty-three credible works are selected and managed in the order of the published time. Then, in the following four chapters, upon different literary classification of these forty-three works, four periods of his publication works will be discussed. To sum up, there are five features of Feng′s marketing strategy. First, he was sensible and sensitive to the trends and adjusted his publishing strategy in time, so that he could release proper works in a proper time and gain both fame as well as profits. Secondly, he used different pseudonyms to manage his different writer images such as a celebrity, a scholar, or a novelist. Third, through the increasing development of his personal relationship, his publication could be recommended by celebrities. Fourth, the editing goal and marketing position strategy is to publish for both scholars and public. Fifth, different from the publishers who deleted partly texture depending on various needs, his historian-rigorous style was unique, which stood out in the market of his time. This composition aims to broaden the realization of the published industry in late Ming Dynasty, with constructing Feng Menglong’s procedure of gaining positive reputation and social position as well as his marketing strategies in publishing business, despite the current status that is limited by the one-sided information or the modern method from Western culture, which is only based on business publishers, not a double-identified scholars such as Feng, in Chinese society.en_US
DC.subjectFeng Menglongen_US
DC.subjectlate Ming Dynastyen_US
DC.subjectJiangnan areaen_US
DC.subjectpublishing industryen_US
DC.titleContending in Publishing Industry——The Individual Study in Feng Menglong, A Scholar in Late Ming Dynastyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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