博碩士論文 100323042 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYi-lun Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract過去研究針對中高溫除塵技術-移動式顆粒床過濾器成功利用流動校正單元有效解決靜止區及實際進行冷性能過濾實驗。而在顆粒床過濾器周邊子系統 (如:進風口、濾材/粉塵篩分及濾材循環再生系統等),也都成功開發並均有相當成果。但就未來商業化系統而言,目前系統的開發仍稍嫌不足。因此論文中將依據先前成功開發顆粒床及周邊子系統,進行系統動態連續化整合系統開發與測試,並實際進行長時間連續化過濾運轉,提供未來高溫熱模系統建置依據。 首先,依據先前進風口系統為減少幾何外型產生渦流效應對於顆粒床氣體流場的影響,將使用ANSYS FLUENT數值模擬進行進風口系統幾何外型改善設計,由氣體流場分佈模擬結果可知,改善設計之進風口系統將使粉塵微粒能平順地進入顆粒床體。 其二,依據進風口改善前後設計,對於實驗測試分佈範圍廣泛的粉塵微粒進行管路沉降行為探討。而粉塵沉降將導致粉塵沉積於管路中造成堵塞,就一整合連續化系統而言,將影響系統過濾性能及長時間運轉的連續性,造成停機維修問題。研究中將探討不同粉塵粒徑大小對於系統管路沉積現象,而由實驗結果可知,粉塵沉降效應大都發生在粒徑100 μm以上,而當顆粒床轉變為移動床時,會因床體濾材孔隙率變大而使粉塵微粒具有吸引功用,而減少粉塵沉降量問題。 其三,依據先前濾材/粉塵滾筒篩分系統,進行氣密式系統改善設計,將篩分後粉塵集中蒐集與粉塵不外洩於大氣環境之雙重目的。而顆粒床與滾筒篩分系統間的濾材連續流動性能也將被進行實驗測試,以供濾材循環再生系統設計之依據。 其四,根據濾材連續流動性能實驗結果,實際進行濾材循環再生系統設計與測試,並完全將濾材循環再生回顆粒床體中反覆進行過濾。而由前面所得之成果,將初步進行整合除塵系統動態運轉連續化實驗測試,最後,提出線上即時過濾性能量測與控制系統設計,達成顆粒床合成氣除塵過濾動態連續化運轉最終目標,並提供未來系統商轉化依據。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe technology of moving granular bed filter for high temperature dust removal was studied successfully by using flow corrective element to solve the stagnant zone problems and establishment of cold filtration performance database. In subsystems of granular bed filter (such as gas and dust supply systems, gas inlet system, filter media/dust trommel screening system and filter media recycling system) also have developed successfully. But in terms of future commercial system, dust collection system is still currently slightly inadequate. But in terms of commercialization system remains somewhat inadequate. The thesis will develop a continuous integration system and long time filtration operations based on a previous granular bed filter and subsystems. The results can give some information for establishment of hot gas system in the future. First of all, the vortex of gas flow distribution was decreased for improved design of gas inlet system by using numerical simulation of ANSYS FLUENT. The simulation results indicate that improving the design of gas inlet system will allow dust particles to smooth into granular bed. Secondly, the settlement behavior of dust particles was studied according the before and after improvement design of gas inlet system. Settlement of dust particles will cause deposits in the pipeline clogging. For consideration of a continuous integration system, will affect filtration performance and continuity of the operation for a long time, downtime maintenance problems. The different dust particle sizes were studied with deposition phenomenon of dust particle in the system. The experimental results showed that dust deposition effects occurring more than 100 μm in diameter. In addition, granular bed change into moving bed, the bed porosity is larger causing the attracting characteristics of dust particles. It can reduce settling problem the amount of dust particles. Thirdly, the airtight system was designed according to filter media/dust trommel screening system. The dual purposes of dust collection and discharge were obtained after screening procedure. The continuous flow property of filter medium was studied in order to provide the designing information of filter media recycling system. Fourthly, the filter media recycling system was designed according to the results of flow property of filter medium. For the filter media recycling system, the repeated filtration process was obtained by filter media recycling back to granular bed. According to the thesis results, the preliminary dynamic integrated dust removal system will be test by continuous filtration operation. Finally, the filtration performance of measurement and control online system will be proposed and to reach the targets of a continuous integration system and longtime filtration operations form the above research results. The results could be provided information of commercialization system in the future.en_US
DC.subjectmoving granular bed filteren_US
DC.subjectdust settling effecten_US
DC.subjectgas flow distributionen_US
DC.subjectfilter media recyclingen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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