博碩士論文 100352016 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChuan-cheng Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract自民國97 年10 月全國所推動「路帄專案」將於101 年12 月告一個段 落,且現今適逢中央組織再造及桃園縣將於103 年正式升格為直轄市,面對 全國民眾皆垢病的路帄問題,如何在有限的經費資源及人力下,就原轄管縣、 鄉道與原公所負責的市區道路管透過整體道路管理機制躍升變革,全面將道 路養護管理水準提升以符合民眾用路品質的期待,是現階段桃園縣政府必頇 面對的問題。 本次研究方式主要為透過將現有的道路管理法令及外國市區道路養護 管理制度精義彙集分析,再將最近兩個性質較為接近的直轄市(台北市及新 北市)之現有道路管理機制進行比較,並用問卷調查瞭解用路人對現階段道 路管理機制之接受程度與較不能接受之課題。 最後進行全盤考量,在有限的資源下,提出一套都會型道路管理機制精 進方案(包含道路管理維護法規、道路管理管理組織、道路管理各項作業實 施策略、道路管理系統整合模式、道路管理考評辦法),予都會型政府作為 如何發揮最大的管理效能,提供最佳的道路服務品質,成為一流的友善幸福 城市之躍升方案參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe Road-Smoothing Project that was launched in October 2008 arrived to a term in December 2012. The central government is currently restructuring itself, and Taoyuan City Government is planning to become a municipality directly under the jurisdiction of the central government. The issue that Taoyuan City Government currently deals with is how to implement the Road-Smoothing Project with limited budget and manpower, and to enhance its management mechanism with institutions that were already established in its county and townships, so that the quality of the roads would be what people expected it to be. This thesis analyzes current road management rules in Taiwan as well as foreign road maintenance and management institutions. It also compares the road management mechanism of Taipei City and New Taipei City and probes whether road users accept or not the current road management mechanism. This thesis eventually proposes a plan to enhance road management mechanism (including road management laws, road management organizations, road management implementation strategy, road management integration model and road management evaluation) to municipality governments so that they could be as efficient as they could be, and provide the best road service quality. This thesis is also a suggestion for municipalities to help them become a city friendly to road users.en_US
DC.subjectRoad-Smoothing Projecten_US
DC.subjectroad management mechanismen_US
DC.subjectfriendly happy cityen_US
DC.title都會型道路管理機制躍升之研究 以桃園縣政府為例zh_TW
DC.titleThe Study on Roadway Management Mechanism Enhancement in a Metropolis, Taking Taoyuan County Government as an Exampleen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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