DC 欄位 值 語言 DC.contributor 人力資源管理研究所 zh_TW DC.creator 賴聽柔 zh_TW DC.creator Ting-jou Lai en_US dc.date.accessioned 2013-7-26T07:39:07Z dc.date.available 2013-7-26T07:39:07Z dc.date.issued 2013 dc.identifier.uri http://ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw:444/thesis/view_etd.asp?URN=100427019 dc.contributor.department 人力資源管理研究所 zh_TW DC.description 國立中央大學 zh_TW DC.description National Central University en_US dc.description.abstract 潛能(potential)的衡量是非常重要的,早在1983年,London & Stumpf便將潛能作為預測晉升評分的要素,近期研究亦陸續指出潛能對晉升力的預測效果甚至較工作績效的預測效果更佳。近年來,潛能逐漸被區分為領導潛能(leadership potential)和專家潛能(experts/mastery potential),本研究所探討的潛能是為領導潛能,欲了解領導潛能的內涵為何,並經由科學化建立流程,發展具信效度的領導潛能量表。在研究方法上,過去相關研究多為質性研究,缺乏統計實證,本研究試圖填補此項研究缺口,除了進行實務數據發放與統計分析外,更結合西方研究與華人社會兩種不同的觀點探討潛能的內涵。 本研究透過文獻探討與訪談,歸納整理出12個領導潛能子構面,透過與專家討論進行內容效度檢驗後,完成初步的量表題項編撰,共50題。實際將初步題項進行前測發放共得到156份有效樣本,經統計分析後留下36個題項,萃取出的七個子構面是為認知思考、學習發展、持續力、接納回饋、適應性、組織價值適配,以及人際關係,累積解釋變異量為78.69%,七個子構面皆與三項效標(晉升評分、高階晉升評分、組織內水平移動)達顯著。正式發放共得到228份有效樣本,經由驗證性因素分析後,發現前測所提出的七因子模式適配情況良好(χ2 /df=2.197、RMR=.089、SRMR=.0544、IFI=.910、CFI=.909),並具有收斂效度、區別效度與信度。 研究結果可協助實務界進行人才甄選、人才定位或接班人/晉升評選標準,亦能夠填補「績效-潛能矩陣」在潛能軸向的衡量缺口,在未來研究中則能夠與職涯成功連結,作為傳統職涯成功與無疆界職涯成功的預測變數。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract The measurement of “potential” is of importance as compared to job performance, potential is a better predictor of promotability. Potential may be classified as “leadership potential” and “experts/mastery potential”. In this study, the meaning of leadership potential would be discussed, and the scale of leadership potential would be developed. In stead of the past qualitative potential studies the content of leadership potential was explored in two different perspectives(Western and Chinese) in this quantitative study. After literature review and interviews, 12 sub-dimensions and 50 questions of leadership potential. In the pre-test, exploratory factor analysis (n=156) reserved 36 questions and 7 domensions, cognitive thinking, learning and development, sustainability, feedback acceptable, adaptability, person-organization fit, and interpersonal relationships, which were significantly related to three criterion (promotability, top promotability and internal-organization horizontal movement). The results of confirmatory factor analysis (n=228) showed the 7 domension model of leadership potential scale fit the data best of reliability and validity. These results will be helpful in talent selection, talent positioning and the development of succession/promotion criteria. Moreover, the gap of the measure of potential in “Performance- Potential Matrix" might be filled. In the future studies, leadership potential may be discussed as a predictor of career success. en_US DC.subject 潛能 zh_TW DC.subject 領導潛能 zh_TW DC.subject 晉升評分 zh_TW DC.subject 職涯成功 zh_TW DC.subject 量表發展 zh_TW DC.subject 績效-潛能矩陣 zh_TW DC.subject potential en_US DC.subject leadership potential en_US DC.subject promotability en_US DC.subject career success en_US DC.subject scale development en_US DC.subject performance - potential matrix en_US DC.title 領導潛能量表之建立 zh_TW dc.language.iso zh-TW zh-TW DC.title The Scale Development of Leadership Potential en_US DC.type 博碩士論文 zh_TW DC.type thesis en_US DC.publisher National Central University en_US