博碩士論文 100450078 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorPei-Lin Yuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract台灣之所以中小企業特別多,就是因為我們有許多具有冒險家性格的人,願意創業,願意承受比一般上班族更多的壓力與責任。因此,中小企業在台灣的佔有比例一直相當高。也就是因為有這樣富有創新、冒險的精神,所以台灣有許多名列第一的產品,更多產業都是世界第一。 彩妝保養品是幾乎所有年齡層的人都需要的,男女老少其一生幾乎都容易在生活中接觸到。由於該產業的蓬勃發展,讓現代美容保養技術跟生化科技結合,不停開創出劃時代的產品,造福愛美、怕老的人,在不需打針吃藥侵入性的危險下,仍可保有年輕、好氣色,對於每個人在求職、婚姻、生活裡確實有幫助。因此,本研究認為彩妝保養產業無論有多少新舊競爭者,永遠都是不會飽和的產業,只有汰舊換新,在不同時期有不同的流行產品。只要在足夠的行銷方式符合市場口味與需求,必定能再有新的品牌可進入市場,佔有一席之地。 近年來,由於「台灣生產」的MIT產品在中國大陸造成風潮,無論產品本身的使用或品質,都讓大陸地區消費者有較高的滿意度與信心。無論在大陸當地,或是旅行來台,除了鳳梨酥是必備的伴手禮,一箱一箱的台灣製造面膜、乳液保養品都是最有誠意代表的禮物。這其中當然也有不只為自己成箱購買的消費者。而且這些產品回購率相當高。 因此,本研究的目的,主要在探討兩岸彩妝保養品市場,分析是否還有機會在此產業市場上殺出重圍,尋找另一片藍海。尤其以台灣、中國大陸市場是最主要的研究地區。依據上述分析,本研究提出一個創業計畫,以Summer Face為自有品牌,期望能將台灣製造MIT的彩妝保養業跟生化科技業結合,推廣到中國,更進一步到世界各角落。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThere are many small and medium-sized enterprises in Taiwan, and they occupied the majority of the Taiwanese economy. These are owned by entrepreneurs who started their own business by bearing more pressures and responsibility than ordinary office workers. It is exactly the spirit of innovation and adventure that brings Taiwan so many number one products and high ranking industries in the world. Cosmetics and skin care products are in one’s everyday life, whether one is male, female, young or elderly. This results in a rapid growth of the cosmetic industry, thus integrating cosmetic with the biochemistry technology, continuously bringing innovative products. People who care about their appearance and who like to stay young can benefit from these innovative products without the risk of medication. For many, cosmetics are truly helpful for their career, marriage and life. Thus, we take the position that this industry will never saturate, there are only replacement of old products due to the nature of competition. Different products are popular at different times, but a new brand with adequate marketing strategy that fits the market trend and requirement can always find its way to success. Nowadays, MIT (made in Taiwan) products are gaining popularity in China. The properties and quality of the products brings higher satisfaction and confidence to local consumers. Take for example, the Pineapple cake is a must-buy souvenir for Chinese traveling to Taiwan. Facial mask and lotion also represent gifts of the highest sincerity that are purchased in cartons and with a high repurchase rate. As a result, the objectives of this study are analyze the cosmetics market in Taiwan and China, and to identify the opportunities to break in and excel in this market. Based on the analysis, this study concludes with an entrepreneurial business plan to start-up Summer Face, a new cosmetics brand, hoping that it may bring MIT cosmetics to China, and one day, to every corners of the world.en_US
DC.subjectSkin Care Productsen_US
DC.title彩妝保養品Summer Face之創業計劃zh_TW
DC.titleA Business Plan for Starting up Summer Face, a Cosmetic Companyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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