博碩士論文 100453025 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorTe-Ju Panen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract自 2004 年 Nokia, NXP 及 Sony 成立 NFC (Near-field Communications) Forum 以來,手機與電子支付技術的整合,一直以來都是將手機作為電子支付工具的重點。目前,手機已成為許多人日常生活的必需品,若能當成行動支付工具,會增加許多生活的便利性。以台灣市場為例,早期由於法令限制及NFC手機數量少,未能在市場形成一定的經濟效益。也因此智慧型手機作為支付工具也遲遲未能如預期般發展。 2013年1月15日金融監督管理委員會(金管會)已備查銀行公會訂定之「信用卡業務機構辦理手機信用卡業務安全控管作業基準」,使金融機構辦理手機信用卡之法規環境更趨完備。未來透過TSM (Trusted Service Manager) 信賴管理服務平台及空中下載技術 (OTA, Over The Air),讓NFC手機下載各項服務變得可行。但是,NFC手機數量的成長在當前還是一個瓶頸。深具影響力的蘋果電腦iPhone不支持NFC,其他低階的智慧型手機很多也缺少NFC功能。這使得TSM的應用涵蓋面不足,無法達成完整產品,快速擴張。 本研究研擬提出 「TSM 擴增系統」概念,藉由現有TSM平台的擴增,設計一個能兼容不同手機作業平台的系統,涵蓋NFC和蘋果的Passbook,使得民眾在使用不同手機作為支付工具的同時,能具有一致且安全的使用經驗,以擴大行動支付手機的數量。本研究並從經濟、市場、法令及技術四個面向,驗證「TSM擴增系統」的可行性。最後,期望藉由完整產品的概念,擴大行動支付的使用者,在市場上形成擴散效應以達到經濟規模,建立完整的行動支付生態環境。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractSince Nokia, NXP and Sony established NFC (Near-field Communications) Forum in 2004, the integration of telephony and electronic payment technology has always been an important issue in developing mobile payment solutions. Nowadays, mobile phones have become a necessity for many people, thus it’s usage in payment will no doubt increase convenience in our daily lives. In Taiwan, due to stringent legal restrictions and the limited availability of NFC mobile phones in the early stages, mobile payment has yet to generate enough economic values. Therefore, mobile payment solution has not seen a rapid growth as expected. On January 15, 2013, the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) in Taiwan approved a regulation, the “Security and Control Operating Guidelines for Credit Card Organizations Engaging in the Mobile Credit Card Business” as formulated by the Bankers Association, allowing the mobile credit card business. In the future, through the TSM (Trusted Service Manager) trust management services platform and OTA (over the air) download procedure, consumers can safely use smartphones in various types kinds of mobile services. However, the proliferation of NFC-capable smartphones is still limited. The all mighty Apple Inc. did not include NFC feature in their latest iPhones, and other low end smartphone are also offered without NFC. This results in a severe limitation for the TSM. Due to a lack of full coverage, it is basically an incomplete solution that cannot excel. This study proposes an “extended TSM systems” concept, expanding the existing TSM platform. The aim is to provide a solution compatible with different mobile operating system platforms, so that mobile payment users with different devices can have a consistent and secure user experience. A feasibility analysis is also provided to verify the viability of the solution, from the economic, market, legal and technological perspectives. In conclusion, by offering a complete service, the mobile payment users can grow in numbers, and reach a critical mass in the market, and achieve a healthy mobile payment ecosystem.en_US
DC.subjectmobile paymenten_US
DC.subjectTrusted Service Manageren_US
DC.subjectOver The Airen_US
DC.subjectwhole producten_US
DC.subjectdiffusion effecten_US
DC.title智慧型手機作為電子支付工具的作業流程設計—NFC 和 Passbook 的整合zh_TW
DC.titleOn Operations Process Design for Smartphones as Electronic Payment Instruments – The Integration of NFC and Passbooken_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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