博碩士論文 100456019 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChia-Yi Leeen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract台灣的代工企業為了達成全球領導龍頭地位,往往都必須採取有效地垂直整合公司內部系統及上下游之供應商資源,以期可以在全球市場上形成一個有競爭優勢的供應鏈體。企業資源規劃系統具高度彈性及嚴謹且能完整且有效的整合企業資源,同時能大量運算及統計複雜資料,所以,導入企業資源規劃系統是業界普遍採用也不可或缺的一種方法。 目前台灣中大型企業皆已導入知名的企業資源規劃系統,但為了應付日益增加的人力成本及龐大的業務量,公司通常會使用委外或自製開發的企業資源系統來補強原系統的不足或開發新的業務功能,而為了節省成本開銷而需重新開發新的外掛程式,來整合原有的企業資源規劃平台,則需要重新做導入的動作,本研究主要在探討A公司在預期有新平台功能在導入ERP系統的關鍵成功因素,並經由文獻的彙總與整理,提出企業資源規劃系統在導入的過程之方法論與策略,另探討預期可得之效益,而在執行導入新企業資源規劃系統時,所可能遭遇的隱憂問題及建議解決的方法,提供後續相關產業欲做新開發系統,重新導入企業資源規劃系統的參考。 關鍵字:關鍵成功因素、ERP 導入和預期成效。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract Taiwan’s OEM enterprises in order to achieve the leading position of global leadership, it often must take effective vertical integration of the company’s internal systems and upstream and downstream suppliers of resources to the formation of a competitive advantage in the global market supply chain. The enterprise resource planning system is highly flexible and rigorous and can complete integration of enterprise resources effectively, while a large number of computing and statistical complexity, so import enterprise resource planning system is the integral part of a commonly used method of industry. Medium and large enterprises in Taiwan have switched into a well-known enterprise resource planning system, but in order to cope with the increasing labor costs and the huge volume of business, the company will usually use outsourcing or self-development enterprise resource system to reinforce the original system deficiencies or develop new business functions, in order to save the cost of overhead and need to re-develop new plug-ins to integrate existing enterprise resource planning platform, also need to re-do the import data, in this study was to investigate the company A on new platform is expected the critical success factors in the ERP system, and through the summary of the literature and organize proposed methodology and strategy of the enterprise resource planning system in the import process, and the other to explore the benefits expected to be obtained in the implementation of the import of the new enterprise resource planning system, the problems may encounter and proposed solutions, provide follow-up related industries that would develop new system, re-import the reference of the enterprise resource planning system. Keywords: Critical Success Factors, ERP import and Expected results.en_US
DC.subjectERP 導入zh_TW
DC.subjectCritical Success Factorsen_US
DC.subjectERP importen_US
DC.subjectExpected resulten_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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