博碩士論文 100456021 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorMing-Chang Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近幾年台灣實施多元化教育,國中生面臨更巨大的升學壓力,且在升學競爭激烈的情況下,提升自己的競爭力及進入理想學校的管道,除了學校的正規教育之外,下課到補習班完成課後輔導亦是主要選擇。因此補習班所提供的服務,不再只是針對課程內容進行授課,而是提供更高規格的服務品質,如客製化、因材施教、軟硬體設備提升等。再者,受到少子化的衝擊,補習班所面臨的困境乃是學生量的不足、市場經濟被瓜分的窘境。但在這兩個因素的影響下台灣地區的補習班家數,在近十年的立案數量卻不減反增。有鑑於此,補習班除了開發新客源外,更要鞏固現有客群,提供顧客所需的服務,並滿足顧客需求的服務品質,以避免顧客流失,方能在眾多補習班中脫穎而出。 本研究採用品質機能展開法(Quality Function Deployment),及PZB理論來建構家長所期待及業者應提供之服務品質,揭示兩者間的落差,以增加補教業的服務品質及競爭力。應用QFD及PZB服務品質模式之概念,以SERVQUAL量表衡量其服務品質,將家長需求及補習班應提供的服務,逐一說明呈現,提供有別於傳統服務品質及顧客滿意度研究的觀點,以QFD來驗證現況補教業者之服務品質與顧客滿意度之適用性,亦可做為補習班經營者進行服務品質定位及管理之參考依據。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThere are few children born in these year. Multicultural education in Taiwan has been implemented. Students face immense pressure of schooling in junior high school. Competitive entrance examination and desirable school is yearning for. Over the last few years, researchers on cram school industry have witnessed an expeditious progress in the research field of service quality and customer satisfaction. However, most of the previous researches focused primarily on customer but did not emphasize the same importance on the generation of intra-organizational service and customer satisfaction. This study intends to tackle management issues of external and internal services as well as innovations of subsequent services bases on the framework of Quality Function Deployment (QFD). The concept of QFD and its develpoment will be introduced first and then followed by details step by step explanation of its procedures. In order to establish a clear demonstration and concerning the application and analytical techniques of Quality Function Deployment (QFD), an empirical study in Wen-Jer cram school in Changhua county was conducted to apply QFD with PZB model on cram school industry. Three main focuses of this study are the customers of cram school and the competitors. Personal interviews with individual customer were conducted first. The results were analyzed with content analysis method to identify what the customers need and what aspects of service the customers concern most. Secondly, surveys were conducted to gather information on the importance of customers’ opinions, satisfaction, comparison with competitors, and indices and order of customers’ need. Thirdly, customers’ needs and the quality improvement of cram school are put in matrix. This matrix is evaluated and analyzed. The results are used as the basis for setting priority for quality improvement. This study tries to introduce QFD as the extension of Total Quality Management (TQM) on cram school industry and its customer satisfacation. Questions concerning the reliability and validity of QFD are discussed. Application of QFD in other related service sectors, particularly in the hospitality industry, are also reviewed. Finally, suggestions and directions for future researches are offered with emphasis particularly on cram school management.en_US
DC.subjectCram Schoolen_US
DC.subjectQuality Function Deploymenten_US
DC.subjectHouse of Qualityen_US
DC.title應用品質機能展開法探討少子化衝擊下 台灣補教業服務品質之研究zh_TW
DC.titleApplying Quality Function Development in the Study of Declining Birth Rate Impacts the Service Quality of Cram School Industryen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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