博碩士論文 100622017 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShih-Yu Suen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來由於全球暖化帶來生態衝擊,針對控制溫室氣體二氧化碳,全球已達到共識。二氧化碳地質封存是被推薦鼓勵的方法,利用地質構造來封存二氧化碳。本研究利用高解析反射震測法調查可能的二氧化碳封存場址,探討場址地下細微構造。高解析反射震測法探測尺度及規模都較探油工業震測來的小,但使用的頻率較高,使得解析度可提高約3~5倍。利用此種特性來做二氧化碳封存場址探測可以得到非常好的結果,因一般封存深度都約在1~3公里處,而高解析反射震測可以獲得精細的地層構造,幫助評估儲藏量或作為封存移棲監測。 本研究利用王功一號井的地層資料,並藉由四條長距離跳躍銜接的震測剖面,將地層資料引入到北方15公里的彰濱工業區內。將彰濱工業區內有六條相互交叉分佈的高解析震測測線做密集比對,分析各剖面的地層深度分佈,從而建立起全測區地下地層分佈。以此為基礎,本研究更進一步分析測區六條測線上,沿測線連續的炸點剖面內的振幅隨支距變化情形(AVO分析),觀察不同地層其沿著測線的反射特性,探討二氧化碳儲集層可能的物理特性,並做為未來儲集後,偵測地層特性改變之比較資料。 本研究獲得以下結論:(1)經由測線交叉比對,計算得知測區的地層走向約北偏東8度,向東傾3.8度。未來若儲氣後,儲體會往西方海域方向移棲。(2) 測區測線交叉比對結果相當良好,表示震測信號足以信賴。震測剖面顯示地下地層平緩,無明顯構造存在,尤其絲毫沒有斷層痕跡。(3) P波反射係數相對於S波反射係數有大幅度下降時,表示有含氣砂岩的存在,但反之則無。測區大部分測線,P波反射係數變化和緩,而S波反射係數變化較大,可以推估在主要反射層之下層砂岩孔隙較大且含水。(4)未來若要再次進行AVO分析,在施測前評估可多提高CDP重合數來達到較好的AVO分析結果。在二氧化碳封存注入後,利用AVO分析可以更加快速的定位出二氧化碳移棲的路徑,達到監控的效果。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe reduction of carbon dioxide emission to lessen the global warming has become an important international issue in recent years. Geological storage of carbon dioxide is recommended by IPCC to be an efficient and feasible way to handle the CO2 problem. In this study, we use high-resolution seismic reflection method to investigate possible CO2 storage sites. This high resolution seismic method has smaller scale comparing to those used in oil exploration industry. However, the resolution is relatively high and can detect much finer structures which are needed in the CCS site investigation. The resolution power is expected to be as small as 4m with a depth up to 3km. A well at WangGong was used to provide the appropriate stratigraphic information of the region. By aligning four sequential seismic lines, we are able to extrapolate this well stratigraphic data to the Jhangbin area, 15 km north. The Jhangbin industrial area is our study area. Six cross-tied high-resolution seismic lines are distributed over the Jhangbin area to find detailed underground structures. On this basis, we further analyze these survey lines by the amplitude versus Offset (AVO) analysis. The P and S reflection coefficients are studied with the purpose to evaluate the porosity properties and to prepare baseline data for the future CO2 injection monitoring. The following conclusions are obtained: (1) the structural layers are found to dip 3.8 degrees and strike 8 degrees east of north. This means that the CO2 will migrate toward the sea direction after storage. (2) the seismic lines possess very good ties, which guarantees excellent data quality of the survey. The layered structures are quite flat without any trace of structural disorder such as faults. (3) the P-wave reflection coefficient are quite smooth and, on the contrary, the S-wave reflection coefficient varies significantly. This indicates the porosities in the bottom sand layer are high, but filled with interlaced silt or water. (4) for the future AVO analysis, the fold number is suggested to increase to obtain better results. The AVO analysis can be more efficient to detect carbon dioxide and to monitor its migration after storage.en_US
DC.titleSeismic Data Analysis of CCS Siteen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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