博碩士論文 100756017 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHsinYin Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract福建省永定縣鳳城客家話研究 摘要 本論文對於福建省永定縣鳳城鎮客家話進行田野調查與研究。由於台灣移民中永定客家人是屬於隱性的一群,因此台灣學者研究永定客家話的相關論文與其它客家話相比是較少的,如呂嵩雁所言:其認為閩西客語的面貌多樣化且特殊,閩西客語的音韻特色是非常值得研究及探討的。以少數相關文獻做基礎繼續發展,再出發到永定縣調查永定客家話的音韻演變現象。 本論文共分六章。第一章緒論,主要在說明研究動機與目的,從事研究所參考的歷史文獻及鳳城鎮的歷史沿革、語言概況及發音人簡介,分別做簡要的概述。第二章平面語音系統,將田野調查收集的語料製作成同音字表,再分成聲母、韻母、聲調、連讀變調、文白異讀等做歸納說明。第三章與中古音的比較,探討鳳城客家話目前的語音演變現象與中古擬音做對應比較。第四章發現鳳城客家話的語音特點,聲母部分如:見曉組顎化的現象、匣母讀h-、ɕ-、f-、v-、k-、k’-多個層次的特色、中古全濁聲母清化後多讀送氣清音、精知莊章合流讀一套滋絲音、泥日疑母字讀h-聲母的特殊現象、章組字讀f- 聲母的特點、中古「從邪崇船心生書禪」母有讀塞擦音與擦音共存的現象;韻母部分有:歌、戈、豪韻合流、特殊的三合元音–iai、鳳城客家話輔音韻尾合流為「ŋ」與「ʔ」、梗攝有文白異讀的現象、效攝知章三等和流攝一等韻母合流讀-əu、一二等元音對立、聲調部分的特點有:全濁上和次濁上的讀音以陰平和陰上為主及濁去歸上的變化現象。第五章 將鳳城客家話與台灣永定客家話做音韻和詞彙特色的比較,以探究其與台灣永定客家話的異同,藉以觀察兩岸永定客家話各自之詞彙使用狀況。第六章結論。 關鍵詞:方言、永定、客家話、音韻、詞彙、語音、鳳城鎮zh_TW
dc.description.abstractResearch on Fengcheng Hakka in Yongding County of Fukien Province Abstract This essay is the field study and research on Hakka in Yongding county of Fukien Province. Because Yongding Hakka group is considered to be recessive of Hakka migrants in Taiwan, therefore Taiwanese scholars tend to focus their researches on other Hakka group rather than those from Yongding. As Song Yen Lu once said, “Hakka of west Fukien is considered to be more diversified and unique, the character of its phonology is even worth to be studied and discovered”. This study is based on some relevant literatures and develops on that basis, and then it investigates how the Hakka phonology evolve in Yongding County. This essay is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, which mainly explains the investigation motivation and aims, the referred history bibliography and historical evolvement of Fengcheng township to conduct this research, current language usage and the introduction of phonologic demonstration speaker (發音人, 示範發音者), and it has brief description under each item. The second chapter is about the flat verbal system. The language corpus was collected by field survey and was processed into a homophone list, and then it was sorted into a list with more details of vowels, consonants, tones, tone sandhi, literary and colloquial read, etc. for further explanations. Chapter Three makes the comparison of Fengcheng Hakka with early-middle Chinese and discuss how Fengcheng Hakka evolves and compared its evolution to early-middle Chinese phonologic profile. The forth chapter is about the discovery of Fengcheng Hakka characteristics, such as in the vowel parts: refer to the tilde phenomenon of JianXiaoZu, the special pronunciation of Jiamu (an ancient Chinese vowel) as h-, ɕ-, f-, v-, k-, and k’, ancient voiceless glottal fricatives are often aspired when pronounce but without sound, “JingZiZhuanChang” combines into a series of “Tchi Sii Sound” (滋絲音), the special phenomenon “NiRiYiMuZi” phonological vowel pronounced as h- vowel, the characteristic “zhang” group pronounced as f- vowel, aspired voiceless glottal fricative and aspired voiced glottal fricative pronunciation both existed in ancient Chinese “chung, xie, chuan, xiz, sheng, shu, zen” vowels groups; in the consonants parts: “ge, ge, hao” combined together to form a unique tri-composed pronunciation - iai, Fengcheng Hakka consonant tail vowel combined to be “ŋ” and “ ʔ”, “gong, sher” demonstrated the phenomenon of both literary and colloquial reading, “xiao, sher, zhi chang” third grade and “lio, sher” first grade vowel are combined as “-əu”, the pulse phonation of the first and second grade vowel. As for the part of tone, the characteristics are: Quanzoushan and Cizoushan reading tones tend to be Yin flat (vowels without consonant tail vowel, and flat tone) and Yin upper (vowels without consonant tail vowel, and higher tone), or ZouChuGueShan (voiceless glottal fricative and higher tone) alternation phenomenon. The fifth chapter compares the tones and vocabulary characteristics of Fengcheng Hakka with Taiwan Yonding Hakka, which aims to discover the different and common parts between them therefore to observe the vocabulary usage in Yongding Hakka of both in mainland China and in Taiwan. Chapter six is the conclusion. Key word: Dialect, Yongding, Hakka, Phonology, Vocabulary, Tone,Fengcheng Townshipen_US
DC.subjectFengcheng Townshipen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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