博碩士論文 100756030 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract對許多臺灣人而言,福建是閩南話語區,筆者深入了解所謂的「閩西」地區後發現,「永定」是閩西地區的山城,根據此次調查的發音人表述,永定高陂的客家話因地處山區,保留了較多的純古音,但在實際的訪談中卻發現,該地的許多字音皆和普通話的音很接近。本文即在研究永定高陂客家話的語音系統及語音演變的類型,並與其他永定客家話(鳯城、永定土話、台灣秀才窩)做音韻和詞彙的比較。 本文共分六章:第一章為緒論,說明研究動機與目的,並交代文獻回顧等; 第二章為永定高陂客家話之語音系統,對高陂的語音系統做整理交代;第三章將研究主體之永定高陂客家話與中古音做縱的比較;第四章分別從聲母、韻母及聲調三方面探討永定高陂客家話的語音特點;第五章研究高陂客家話和永定客家話及臺灣永定客家話之間的差異,包括聲母、韻母、聲調及詞彙之間的同異。第六章為結論,交代研究發現與成果及不足之處。 研究結果顯示1.在聲母方面:精知莊章組滋絲音已前化完成合流;見組字顎化與不顎化並存,可知高陂話的顎化和前化還在發展中。2.在韻母方面:蟹攝字的- 韻尾經過開口合口化再元音高化而成。3.在輔音韻尾方面:陽聲韻 -、- 皆已消失,轉變為 - 或鼻化音 -;入聲韻 - 尾弱化 為 -、-、-; 韻尾的弱化有二種方式;咸深山臻曾梗通各攝舒促韻尾不平行發展。4.在聲調上全濁上聲大多數歸陽去,次濁上聲則多數歸陰上,和一般客家話的共同特點有很大的不同。5.詞彙方面兩岸的永定話有其根源關係,表現各有不同。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTo many Taiwanese, Fujian is a Minnan speaking area. The author has taken a deep probe into the so-called “Minxi” area and found that “Yongding” is a mountain city of Minxi. According to the phonologist in this investigation, Yongding Gaopi is in a mountain terrain and, as a result, its Hakka has preserved more pure ancient tones. However, the field interviews have revealed that there are many words pronounced similarly with the Mandarin tones. This paper is for the study of the Yongding Gaopi Hakka voice tone system and the types of its voice tone evolution, and it is to compare the phonology and vocabulary with other Yongding Hakka (Fengcheng and Yongding dialects, Xiucaiwo in Taiwan). This paper comes with 6 chapters. The first chapter is exordium, describing the study motives and objectives as well as the literature reviews. The second chapter is about the Yongding Gaopi’s Hakka voice tone system, where the collected information is sorted out into a well organized summary. In Chapter 3, it is a vertical comparison of the Yongding Goapi Hakka, the studied object, with the medieval and ancient Hakka tones. In Chapter 4, the vowel tones, vowel rhymes and voice tones are taken to explore Yongding Goapi Hakka’s tonic features. Chapter 5 gives a comparison among Gaopi Hakka, Yongding Hakka and Taiwan Hakka in order to observe the differences of their vowel tones, vowel rhymes, voice tones and vocabularies. Chapter 6 comes to the conclusions, offering the findings and results, as well as the deficiencies of the study. The research results reveal the following facts: (1) in the aspect of vowel tones, the “Jing” and “Juian” initialized words have tilde and non-tilde co-exist, indicating that the Goapi Hakka’s tilde is still on the evolvement; (2) about the vowel rhymes, the pronunciation of the “Shieh” and “Niei” ended words is shaped up by going through mouth-open, mouth-close and then vowel pitching; (3) in the auxiliary ending rhymes, the pitch-up rhymes are either gone or transformed into nasalized tones, the heavy rhymes are weakened at word ends. There are two types of end rhyme wakening, making ending rhyme’s unparallel development; (4) about the tones, the full muddy pitch-up sounds have all become high tones and most of the semi-muddy sounds have become low tones, which is quite different from the common features of general Hakka tones; (5) the Yongding Hakka tones on the both sides of the Taiwan Strait have the same root, but have evolved differently. Keywords: Yongding, Gaopi, Hakka, Voice tone evolution, Vocabulary comparisonen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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