博碩士論文 101352015 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShu-mei Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract摘 要 我國模具產業自光復初期起,一直是伴隨著國內工業發展之腳步而逐步茁壯,直至民國七十年初,有鑑於模具產業對工業發展之重要性日益彰顯,政府乃將模具產業納入「策略性工業適用範圍」,大力推動模具工業之發展,以配合相關工業產品之外銷策略,由於當前製造業大多屬24小時加工生產模式,且人工經驗排班作業一直是各企業單位常態性耗時問題,因此經常令決策者花費大量時間在溝通協調、安排整合調度,最後其排班結果亦非最佳化之公平指派。 本研究因應現實需求及公平性,係以模具加工廠之製程人員,於固定週期內從事日夜班勤務需求量之製程人員排班做為本研究範圍,先將現實問題之所有限制資源予以量化,進而轉換並建構數學模型,並以0-1整數規劃模式為架構,輸入撰寫Lingo 8.0套裝軟體進行模擬測試,輸出求解其最佳化負荷平均之指派模式,以驗證本研究最佳化模式所產生之排程結果,確實優於人工經驗排班,且更具效率及公平性。並依此目標值之相關參數調整及增減限制條件來推演方案分析,藉此求得所有製程人員之負荷平均排班,幫助決策者適度規劃及人力安排,以防止產生勞工超時及過勞現象致違反勞動檢查機關之規定,更可做為各製造業之管理人力指派參考。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract The mold and die industry can be traced back to as early as the beginning of democracy in the nation’s history, and has matured along with the national industrial development. In view of the growing significance of the mold and die industry on the development of the nationwide industry, in the 1980’s, the government incorporated the mold and die industry into the “Strategic Industry Applicable Scope” and promoted the development of the mold and die industry while cooperating with export strategies for related industrial products. Due to the fact that most of the manufacturers at the present time utilize the manufacturing model of 24-hour operations, and manual work shift operations have always been time-consuming that pose problems to a great number of corporate departments, as a result, decisions makers often spend a great deal of time on communications and work shift arrangements despite the fact that the outcome of the finalized work shift may still yet to be an optimal or fair arrangement. In this research, in order to meet the actual demands and standard of fairness, the factors of the process personnel of a molding factory, the demands on the work shifts of the personnel participating in daytime and nighttime shifts in a fixed weekly period are used as the scope of this research. First, all of the limited resources associated with the actual problem in practice are quantified for conversion and constructing mathematical models. In addition, the 0-1 integer planning model is used as a structural framework and is inputted and written into the Lingo 8.0 software package to perform simulations and tests. This is followed by outputting the results for obtaining the optimized work assignment model with loading averages in order to verify the arrangement result generated by the most optimal model in this research, to ascertain if it is indeed advantageous over the manual work shift arrangement and is of higher efficiency and fairness. Furthermore, related parameter adjustments and limitation criteria modification according to such objective values are used to simulate the solution analysis such that the loading average work shift for all process personnel can be obtained in order to assist the decision makers to suitably plan and arrange the work force. Any working overtime and over loading of work violating the regulations specified by the work force inspection agency can be prevented, and this research can be further used as a reference of work force assignment for managers of all manufacturers. en_US
DC.subjectmolding factoryen_US
DC.subjectwork shiften_US
DC.subject0-1 integer planningen_US
DC.subjectoptimized fair work assignment modelen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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