博碩士論文 101421034 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWan-ting Lien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract體驗行銷相當受到企業與行銷界的重視。這個趨勢乃是因應消費者對消費商 品的關注不再只是停留在於對消費商品本身的考量,進而開始注重消費商品所帶 來的服務和整體感受。企業開始與消費者進行對話,觀察消費者的需求,體驗行 銷因而廣為應用。而現今旅遊業的蓬勃發展,而旅遊更是需要經由體驗過程創造價值,除了在旅遊過程的體驗外,在實體店鋪、官方網站、人員服務到事後的售後服務、持續關注到體驗迴響,這一連串的過程都是體驗行銷創造體驗價值的內涵。 在動盪且競爭的環境下,企業若想突破困境擊退競爭者,建立品牌是個重要的因素,尤其是價格彈性非常大的旅遊業,如何利用體驗行銷創造體驗價值,打造品牌形象,達到顧客忠誠度,提升競爭力是非常重要的。 本研究探討體驗行銷、體驗價值、品牌形象與顧客忠誠度之間的關聯性關係 本研究分析結果如下: (1) 在構面描述性統計上得知,消費者對於價格考量非常注重,直接影響整體體驗之價值,且在價格影響上難有忠誠度的顯現。 (2) 在構面描述性統計上得知,消費者對於旅行社品牌認同在於「消費、服務經驗」上的體驗。 (3) 體驗行銷與體驗價值顯著正向影響品牌形象,其中又以體驗價值之影響力較高。 (4) 體驗行銷與體驗價值呈現顯著正相關,體驗行銷、體驗價值與品牌形象呈現顯著正相關,品牌形象與顧客忠誠度有顯著正相關。 關鍵字: 體驗行銷、體驗價值、品牌形象、顧客忠誠度 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractExperiential Marketing has received great attention from enterprises and the marketing field. This trend corresponds to the fact that there is growing number of customers paying attention, beyond consumer goods themselves, to the service and the total quality of the consumer goods they purchase. The dialogue between enterprise and customers begins with enterprise observing the needs of the customers in the way of Experience Marketing. The tourism industry is prospering nowadays. The massive point to create the value is through experiencing the tourism process. Aside from the experience in traveling, the whole series from shopping in the reality store, official website and service behavior to after-sale services is the connotation of creating experiential value . Under the turbulent and competitive environment, if the industry desires to break the adversity to defeat the competitor. Especially, in the tourism industry with the most flexible price, this is a crucial factor to build a distinct brand character. These are all essential to create experiential value by experiential marketing, build the character of the brand, achieve the loyalty of client to rise the ability to compete . A questionnaire was distributed to probe the connection between experiencing the marketing, experience value, the characters of the brand and the loyalty of the client. The results show: (1) In the dimension of descriptive statistics, consumers are very focused on price, which directly affect the value of the all experience, and the impact on prices is difficult to have loyalty. (2) In the dimension of descriptive statistics, the identity of brand image by consumers for travel agency comes from consumption and service experiences. (3) Experiential marketing and experiential value have a significant positive impact on the brand image. In particular, experiential value has more effect on brand image. (4) Experiential marketing and experiential value showed a significant positive correlation, experiential marketing, experiential value and brand image showed a significant positive correlation, brand image and cunsumerr loyalty has a significant positive correlation. Key words: Experiential Marketinrg, Experiential Value, Brand Image, Customer Satisfaction en_US
DC.subjectExperiential Marketinrgen_US
DC.subjectExperiential Valueen_US
DC.subjectBrand Imageen_US
DC.subjectCustomer Satisfactionen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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