博碩士論文 101450069 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYi-Tzu Yangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract關鍵人才是企業持續成長與創新的重要資源。面對全球性嚴重的人才短缺,以及台灣經濟與地理情勢造就的人才外流現象影響下,在留住關鍵人才的議題上,台灣企業已經處於格外嚴峻的狀況之中。 本次研究以「關鍵人才」、「留任意願」、「留才措施」、「關鍵人才與留才措施的關聯」等四個議題的文獻探討為基礎,針對留才措施實施完善的科技製造標竿企業之關鍵人才,藉由質化研究的半結構式深度訪談法,蒐集他們對於諸多留才措施的偏好意見與關注焦點,進一步透過紮根理論反覆分析、歸納、收斂的譯碼程序,提取出4個層級以及13個主類別的偏好架構,最後從「被引用頻率」的支持度以及從受訪者的背景條件做出的「矩陣分析」中分別找出相應的層級與主要類別之偏好 ; 同時本次研究也從訪談內容整理出留才措施在實施的過程中常被忽視卻十分重要的管理意涵,總結於論文中。 做為國內少數從留任角度探討企業人才去留的論文著述,本次研究提供了一個來自於關鍵人才的反饋而產生的留才措施之偏好架構,希望這個研究結果能有助於企業重新聚焦與調整留才資源的分配,從而吸引與保留住對企業永續經營與發展至為重要的關鍵人才。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractKey talents are important assets to a corporation′s continuous growth and innovation. In the face of severe talent shortage around the globe and the brain drain problem in Taiwan caused by economic and geographical reasons, Taiwanese corporations must confront the grim reality regarding key talent retention. In this study, literature reviews were carried out on four issues, namely key talents, retention drivers, retention policies, and the correlation between key talents and retention policies. The qualitative research method of in-depth semi-structured interview was conducted on key talents of outstanding technology manufacturing corporation that implements comprehensive retention policies, so as to understand their preferences and concerns for the various retention policies. The study further utilized the grounded theory′s continual coding process of analysis, induction, and convergence to obtain the 13 core categories of preferred frameworks on 4 different levels. Finally, the preferences in correlated levels and core categories were obtained from the number of references to said categories and via a matrix analysis based on the interviewees′ background information. This study also compiled and summarized from the interviews, the important yet often neglected managerial implications of retention policy implementation. This study is one of the few Taiwanese academic papers that approach the investigation of talent retention from the perspective of retained employees, thus providing the preferred retention policies frameworks obtained via the feedbacks from key talents. We hope this study can help corporations readjust and redistribute resources, so as to attract and retain key talents essential to corporate sustainability and development.en_US
DC.subjectkey talentsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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