博碩士論文 101453004 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorTzu-ying Yuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractC公司是一家全球化佈局的公司,區域以中國大陸、台灣為主,最主要生產中小尺寸面板。為了統合全球資訊、整合散落於內部的各個系統、並達到資訊透明化、以及更便於計算成本、適應時代變遷的潮流,C公司於2011年01月導入SAP商業智慧系統與企業資料倉儲 (SAP Business Intelligence/Business Data Warehouse, SAP BI/BW) 以整合全球資訊,系統於2011年10月上線後至今,對於使用者的效益並不顯著,使用者數量比預期中的少,新報表開發需求少。希望藉此論文能分析系統使用率低的原因,並據以提出因應之道,以提高SAP BI/BW系統帶給組織的有形和無形效益。 在釐清報表系統各部門使用者之後,由於報表使用者為數不多,所以本研究以深度訪談以及半結構化問卷的方式收集個案相關資料,依據已知的問題增加問題的廣度和深度。受訪者分為兩個部份:有使用商業智慧系統的使用者及未持續使用商業智慧系統的使用者。依據這兩個部份的使用者,分析研究問題,進行訪談問卷設計。經個案訪談,彙整SAP BI/BW系統使用率不佳的主要原因為:(1)一開始的導入方向錯誤,並未針對KPI做詳細的分析導入;(2)組織的調整,原本在系統上開發的報表已不復使用;(3)由於C公司的銷售模式及作業複雜,KPI前端資料來源取得困難,系統化困難;(4)人員已習慣了目前的作業流程。因應上述問題,提出解決方案:(1)召集各部門的關鍵使用者共同討論,針對公司KPI分析設計BI/BW報表;(2)每月統計BI/BW報表使用次數;(3)將手工報表資料上傳BI/BW,製作KPI戰情室;(4)導入SAP BusinessObjects BI軟體,提供更方便美觀的介面。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractCompany C is a multi-national company, situated mainly in Mainland China and Taiwan, with major product line in medium- and small-sized TFT-LCD. To achieve information transparency, easier to calculate costs, and adapt to the changing of integration technology, Company C implemented the SAP Business Intelligence / Business Data Warehouse (SAP BI/BW) in January 2011 to integrate its global information. Since the BI/BW system went live in October 2011, we found that there’s no significant benefit for the users, the number of active users is fewer than it is intended, and new reporting needs are not requested. The purpose of this study is to analyze the reasons why the usage of BI/BW is dwindled, and propose the solution in order to improve the tangible and intangible organizational benefits brought by the SAP BI/BW system. Given the number of active users of the SAP BI/BW is limited, we in this study use in-depth interview and a semi-structured questionnaire to collect the usage information in order to increase the breadth and the depth of our understanding of the problems. Respondents were divided into two groups, active users and inactive users of the SAP BI/BW system. Based on the differences in usage in the two groups, we designed the questionnaire accordingly. Through the content analysis on the interview transcripts, we found four causes for the poor usage of the SAP BI/BW system: (1) without the guidance of corporate key performance indicator (KPI), the implementation of BI/BW is not in the right direction; (2) some reports are no longer needed due to the organizational restructuring; (3) due to the Company C′s sales model and job complexity, some data source for KPI is not readily available, and hence difficult to be informated; (4) users have become accustomed to the as-is business processes. To resolve these problems, we propose the following solutions: (1) key users from various departments are convened to co-design BI/BW reports according to the corporate KPI analysis; (2) the frequency of the BI/BW use is reported monthly;(3) the manual data is uploaded to the SAP BI/BW for the war room of corporate KPI; (4) introduce the SAP BusinessObjects BI software to provide more convenient and fine-looking interface. en_US
DC.subjectBusiness Intelligence (BI)en_US
DC.subjectBusiness Data Warehouse (BW)en_US
DC.subjectKey Performance Indicator (KPI)en_US
DC.titleA Case Study on BI/BW System Usage and Its Improvement Proposalen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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