博碩士論文 101453008 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJen-Hao Paien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著行動通訊的進步與普及化,使用手機互相聯絡的比重越來越高,因此越來越多的企業都陸續將電信商的MVPN(Mobile Virtual Private Network)與企業內部的語音交換機進行整合。甚至像個案公司,對於新建置的辦公室,直接就用手機取代了傳統桌上型話機,除了成本的降低與重複使用率提升外,更有助於提升員工的行動力。但是導入MVPN就能夠解決一切問題嗎?其實馬上就遇到員工使用不同電信商,而企業卻很難同時和多家電信商的MVPN整合的問題,本研究正是在研究如何於技術面克服此問題。   在過去,有一定規模的企業,若要建置或擴充新辦公室,對於電話方面,就要投資相當龐大的採購金額去採購交換機,且除了硬體需要擴充外,還需要針對舊的交換機進行軟體升級以及話機與軟體授權的採購。再者,企業也為了要節省電話費,通常也導入了節費電話,可是節費電話對於來電者號碼就只能顯示公司節費電話的代表號而已,對於稍具規模,員工人數動輒破百的公司而言,若電話沒在第一時間被接到的時候,被呼叫的人只能知道有公司來電,但無法直接回電找到是誰打電話給他的;因此本研究除了克服技術面問題,可以正確顯示來電者號碼,讓被呼叫的人更能辨識之外;也發現了隨著整合越多家電信商的MVPN,其電話費支出也大幅的減少。   因此透過此研究發現使用MVPN的初次建置成本低,也能有效減少電話費,更能大幅提升員工之間的通訊能力與便利性。更甚者,這也意味者,公司未來可以將各個不同國家的電信商MVPN方案進行導入整合,因此即便是跨國通訊,也都達到真正最終端的手機與手機之間透過企業內部語音系統直接通訊,比傳統只能夠辦公室內桌上分機對桌上分機之間的溝通擁有更好的聯繫能力,又不用支出高額的國際電話費。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith the advance of mobile communication technique, the popularity of mobile phones has increased rapidly. Therefore, more and more businesses have started to integrate phone carrier’s MVPN solution with company’s PBX. For the current case, the company has a plan to build a new office that uses mobile phones to replace the traditional desktop phones. Doing so would have such benefits as cost reduction and improved phone usage rate. Although MVPN is great, it still can create new problems like employees using different carriers. It is difficult for a company to integrate multiple carriers’ MVPN. This research tries to solve the techniques problem when a company tries to integrate the MVPN of multiple carriers. In the past, when companies want to build a new office or extend its offices, they need to invest a lot of money to buy the hardware, “PBX.” In addition, they also need to upgrade their PBX OS, desktop phones and phone licenses. Moreover, sometimes companies implement “saving call line” for cost saving. Although companies may successfully save cost, it nevertheless comes with more problems. The main problem is when an employee misses a call, he/she can only see the main representative number of the company and thereby cannot identify the caller and call back directly. This research can resolve this problem. The technique used for the integration allows a call receiver to see the phone number of the caller so the call receiver is able to know who called even when the receiver missed the call. This research also finds that the telephone fees indeed reduce more when more carriers have been integrated. This research found that the initial cost of MVPN is quick low compared with PBX, and MVPN also can reduce telephone fees and increase mobility. The integration also has the benefit that allows employees to communicate with numbers of different carriers via the company’s internal voice system and avoid the problem of seeing the company’s main number of “saving call line.” With the successful integration of the MVPN of two carriers, it may also be possible for companies to integrate the MVPN solutions of the carriers across different countries. This means we can direct use a mobile phone to call international calls via the company’s internal voice system and save the fee of international calls.en_US
DC.subjectIntegration of Enterprise Voice Systemen_US
DC.subjectMobile Devicesen_US
DC.titleA Study Case of How to Integrate Multiple Carriers MVPN into the Voice System of Enterprise PBXen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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