博碩士論文 101456015 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorFang-Yi Leeen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究的目的是為船用五金鑄造廠的拋光製程建立一最生產規劃。影響有效產能供應的因素很多,例如設施本身大小及未來擴充能力、產品之共通性或標準化、製程的複雜程度、人員流動率及工作素質或設備穩定性…等等。以經營二十幾年的鑄造廠來說,除非有擴廠計劃,否則廠內設施大小不會有太大的變動;產品作業之標準化及製程之複雜程度已達純熟階段;故主要影響產能的原因僅剩人員流動率及設備穩定性。 一般工廠的人員數量不會有太大的變動,但因本研究之研究標的鑄造廠位於泰國沿海,多數勞工皆以廠為家,員工遇年節返鄉時,若有距離近之較佳工作機會,便會趁勢離職,故每年的泰國新年長假,工廠都會有大批勞工離職,若沒有事先將流失的產能納入生產考量,將造成大量缺貨;除人員流動造成產能流失,機台損壞亦會影響製造數量的產出。為控制機台穩定度,固定周期檢修機台是為必須。在檢修機台期間可能因為檢修停機而造成產能減少。 在本研究中將利用線性規畫建立一基本線性規劃模式,將兩種鑄件之製造、存貨、缺貨及兩種零件之存貨、採購納入模型限制式內,以EXCEL中的規劃求解增益集求出基本模式的最佳解,再以產能的限制式變化另外建立兩種不同情境,探討在可預知的產能變化下,管理者可以如何調整排程,才能使拋光製程的產能達到最佳的配置,並使生產成本最小化,從而提升利潤。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this study is to optimize the capacity allocation of the polishing production process in a marine hardware foundry. The critical factors affecting the supply of capacity including current size and the expandability of the facility, the commonness and standardization of the product, the complexity of the production process, the turnover rate of the labors and the stability of production equipment, etc. As a foundry founded twenty years ago, the overall number of equipment will not be increased dramatically unless plant expansion. The production management is familiar with all different kinds of products and can deal with complex production process very well. Therefore, the key factors in our foundry are the turnover of labors and the stability of equipment. In most of the factories, the number of employees will not change significantly. However, our foundry located in coastal area and most of the employees are from inland. The commute might take them several days or a week, so they live in the dormitory in or nearby the foundry. The employees will take several days off and go home for family reunion in Songkran Festival (Thai New Year). The employees will stay at their hometown if they get a chance for a better job there. Therefore, the capacity of the foundry will be decreased for a period of time if the employees do not return from the holidays. In addition, the breakdown of the equipment will also influence the output of the production. It is necessary to do maintenance regularly in order to ensure the machines are working. Capacity might decrease due to the maintenance. In this study, a basic model will be built by Linear Programming. The polishing production cost, inventory cost and shortage cost of two cast parts and the purchasing cost and inventory cost of two accessories will be included in constraints. The optimization will be conducted in excel. Furthermore, two different scenarios with capacity restrictions will be discussed by adding capacity constraints to the basic model. The conclusion will help the controller adjust the production plan under predictable capacity restriction. With the best allocation of polishing capacity, the polishing production cost will be minimized and the profit will be raised.en_US
DC.subjectLinear programmingen_US
DC.subjectProduction planningen_US
DC.titleProduction Planning of the Polishing Operation for Marine Hardwareen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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