博碩士論文 101456029 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorMing-Tse Tsaien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract安全,環保,舒適的智能汽車的開發,它可以通過駕駛員輔助系統提高了車輛的安全性和駕駛舒適性三個主要目標。國家積極參與相關產品的研發和推廣,並預測在未來的巨大需求。汽車和電子製造商(ODM / OEM)的組件供應商也正在積極準備抓住駕駛輔助系統市場的巨大商機。 駕駛輔助系統的發展,美國聯邦機動車輛安全標準FMVSS已經發布(後部視野)在2009年的立法預告,計劃於2011年完成最終法規,並明訂在2018年度北美所有車輛需裝設後方攝影機。 美國運輸部最近提出,並確保在車輛的後部行人的安全時減少盲點、倒車和停放汽車可以更準確地確定通過圍繞視圖顯示器系統中的空間,位置和方向。有鑑於此,包括汽車後視鏡視線死角,倒車時的空間死角,有高比例的車廠為了提高了汽車司機的視野,開始評估裝設倒車視覺系統來減少事故風險,故這商機是相當龐大的。 由於此產業為一明星產業,故各家車電系統廠均開始布局此產業,甚至原先3C產業的OEM/ODM廠均在評估此一領域,但相關的供應鏈管理,也是後續需要重視的,該研究會介紹什麼是SCOR模型,以及如何SCOR模型應用到工業領域,SCOR是評估標準操作流程,關鍵點指數和供應鏈的最佳分析工具,以及提供製造商,包括,材料管理,供應商控制的標準結構,供應鏈中的所有成員都可以互相溝通,而這些溝通或作業程序都可以以SCOR模型來衡量。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractSafety, environmental protection, comfortable are three main objectives for the development of intelligent vehicles, it could improve vehicle safety and driving comfort through the driver assistance systems. Countries actively involved in the development and promotion of related products and predict there will a huge demand in the future. Component suppliers of vehicle and electronics manufacturers (ODM/OEM) are also actively preparing to seize the enormous opportunities of the driver assistance systems market. Regulations as the main force driving the growth of driver assistance systems, the United States announced Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) No.138, require GW (Gross Weight)Vehicle (4,536 kg) of 10,000 pounds or less must be equipped with tire pressure monitoring system in 2002. Tire pressure monitoring drive Growth of the system is the best case. In addition, NHTSA has posted on January, rear visibility (Rear Visibility) legislative advance notice in 2009 (Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking; ANPRM) and scheduled for complete the final regulation (Final Rule) in 2011,expected will lead the growth of Around View monitor system. United States Department of Transportation recently proposed a bill to reduce blind spots when driving and ensuring the safety of pedestrians at the rear of the vehicle. Driving reversing and parking the car can be more accurately determine the space, location and direction through the Around View monitor system. In view of this, excluding the missing car rearview mirror line dead ends, discrimination and reversing the position of the car when convenient parking space, it is important to improve the driver of the car after the vision to reduce the risk of accidents. After searching and analyzing mass information, this research will introduce what is SCOR model,and how to apply the SCOR model to the industrial field,the SCOR is seleced to assess standard operation process,key point index and best practice analysis of supply chain,and well provides standard structure of industrials including manufactures, material system, vendor control. All members in the supply chain can communicate to each others and improve the operation process completely can be measured of SCOR model.en_US
DC.subjectSCOR(Supply-Chain operations Reference)en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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