博碩士論文 101457009 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHsiao-Yun Liaoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在台灣很多企業是否能夠永續經營,常靠著企業領導者在市場上的決策判斷是否準確與是否具有良好的執行能力,企業想要長期永續經營,除了技術能力隨著市場變化而進行調整之外,在營運策略的調整過程當中,組織也需要配合經營策略的不同而重新規劃適合運作的模式;本研究所探討之組織變革,乃為一成熟型公司在面對前一代主要生產商品已逐漸隨著技術成熟且獲利逐漸下滑,而下一代主流技術商品未浮出市場時,所面臨之營運上組織調整決策。 組織變革要成功,並非只能倚靠單一因素,除了市場趨勢預測精準之外,還需要內部人力及資源的配合,為能與新的產品策略發展相符,個案公司開始針對組織內部進行變革,除了自組織外部招募新的經營團隊加入個案公司之外,並將原有的組織型態進行大幅度的調整,期待透過提高新產品的市占率,能為個案公司再創造下一波的獲利高峰;雖然,本文所研究之個案公司,在組織變革之前,營運狀況、獲利皆有良好表現,不同於其他面臨危機而需要進行轉型的公司,但是變革當中的過程及經驗,仍可提供給其他成熟型公司做為參考。 誠然,本研究個案之變革結果最終未能成功,但我們仍可萃取變革當中有用之資訊及知識加以利用;因本研究屬個案診斷,且為避免研究過於單從某一面向的觀點進行闡述及解釋,藉由質化訪談了五個不同功能部門(研發、業務、資材、人力資源、專案管理)的中高階主管,並輔以相關研究機構的產業報告、個案公司的財務報表…等,利用SWOT分析表、SWOT策略矩陣圖與平衡計分卡的理論概念,來探討、分析、了解變革失敗的原因。 研究結果如下: (一)透過SWOT分析表:雖然個案公司研發團隊實力堅強、公司資金不虞匱乏,但因變革本身會耗費大量資源及成本,所以變革之前若沒有完善的規劃,很容易造成資源的空耗;另外除了內部員工憂患意識的培養之外,組織激勵獎酬制度未能明確差異化,也是造成組織成員缺乏改變、前進的重要原因,面對外部EMS廠及高端系統廠的威脅,若未能配合新產品的發展策略培養新技術人力,當舊有產品越接近成熟時期,將會越來越難以與EMS廠抗衡。 (二)SWOT策略矩陣圖分析:產品策略應逐漸轉以軟體服務為主的商品為主,一旦消費者養成使用習慣,便不會輕易變更購買來源;加強成本控管,落實依客戶等級進行產品分類;強化市場資訊蒐集能力、組織人力調撥的應變能力;適時的汰換不合宜員工,增加組織正向的流動。 (三)透過平衡計分卡分析:成本及費用上應做有效控管,只看營業額不看獲利的KPI會導致獲利結果呈現失焦;大客戶不應過於集中未能分散風險;新舊團隊的磨合問題,容易讓跨組織的資源運用有障礙;人才的培養,需能配合市場變化的趨勢及速度,並做有系統的人才培養規劃。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn Taiwan, there are two crucial elements that enterprises could be sustainable operation. One is making correct strategic judgments on the market and the other is having positive execution. If we would like to make an enterprise be sustainable operation for long term, its technical skills have to adjust to the trend of the market. In addition, during the process of adjusting, organizations need to design a new and appropriate operating mode for the distinct business strategy. This research is exploring the transformation of organizations. The background is that a mature enterprise encounters that its previous main products are falling down with the mature skills and decline profits but the next leading products have yet come up. Accordingly, it confronts business strategies of arranging organizations. To make the evolvement succeed, an enterprise cannot merely depend on an element. Hence, it needs not only precise market trend predictions but also the cooperation of the human resource department. For the sake of staying on the same track with the new products, the company starts changing. Aside from recruiting new business teams, it also adjusts chart of the organizations substantially. The company anticipates that the change could bring it to another peak of high profit by increasing its market share rate. Although its condition is different from others, the changing processes and experiences could be an example for other mature companies. In fact, the result of the case is negative but we still learn some useful information and knowledge from its failure. To avoid explaining and elaborating on this research from single viewpoint, there are comments from interviewing middle and high level managers of five different departments, including research and development, sales, logistics, human resource and project management. In addition, there are some study approaches, which are SWOT Analysis, SWOT Strategy Matrix Analysis and Balanced Scorecard, taken for exploring, analyzing and understanding reasons of failure in this case. The result of the research: 1.SWOT Analysis: Firstly, the research and development teams are strong and the capital is abundant. However, if there is no complete scheme, all the advantages will turn out to be useless. Secondly, employee bonus on rewards system is not complete; therefore, employees refuse to change and make progress. Finally, facing threats from EMS companies and top-end system companies, if the company in this case is unable to cultivate employees, it becomes harder and tougher to defeat with EMS companies. 2.SWOT Strategy Matrix Analysis: First, product strategy should pay attention to software service gradually. Once customers get used to it, they build loyalty to the service. Next, cost control need to be strengthened, such as classifying customers clearly, collecting information carefully, arranging employees flexibly and laying off incapable employees. Consequently, there will be positive atmosphere around the organizations. 3.Balanced Scorecard: Firstly, cost should be managed effectively. Focusing on revenue and ignoring KPI will make the result out of point. Secondly, focusing on specific clients is too risky. Thirdly, problems formed from run-in period of new and old teams will be the obstacles for using resources cross organizations. Finally, cultivating skills of employees needs to keep up with the trend and speed of the market and also make the cultivating plans systematically.en_US
DC.subjectorganizational changeen_US
DC.subjectSWOT Analysisen_US
DC.subjectBalanced Scorecarden_US
DC.titleThe study of the company’s development and organizational change–In case of the A companyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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