博碩士論文 101457023 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorMin-che Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著電子產品新興應用領域不斷推新,驅使2010年電路板市場需求達到1.47兆元,成為全球兆元產業。2011年台灣印刷電路板海內外產值超越日本,正式成為全球第一大生產者。我國電路板產業是國內目前少數領先韓國的電子業之一,在電子產業中具有舉足輕重的地位。如何快速研發生產成本更低,品質良率更好之新製程,便成為電路板廠商提昇競爭優勢且獲利的關鍵,因此研發工程師對產業的重要性日益增加。 本研究探討電路板製造業研發工程師應具備的職能並編製職能基準與專業職能量表。參考工研院產業學院(2013)提出之發展職能基準流程。首先透過職能訪談,再請專家小組進行內容效度分析,產出職能基準草稿,確認修改後編製「電路板製造業研發工程師職能量表」驗證調查問卷。在正式施測之問卷回收101 份問卷後,隨即進行統計分析,包含描述性統計、信效度檢驗、t檢定以及單因子變異數分析等。 根據本研究發現結果,電路板製造業研發工程師的專業職能各區別出「專案規畫」、「技術服務」及「成本降低」三項職能構面,三構面的內部一致性信度係數介於.80至.89 之間,且量表之累積解釋變異量達到70.694%,並完成產出職能量表與職能基準。從各職能構面找出重要性程度最高的前三名、能力程度最高的前三名以及具備程度差距最大前三名之關鍵行為指標,並觀察人口統計變項對訓練需求之影響。 此職能基準未來將可應用在電路板製造業用人單位之招募甄選、績效考核、訓練發展。也可作為學校、教育訓練機構辦訓之依據與參考,以提昇電路板製造業之人力資本與競爭力。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith the constant emergence of new electronic products, the global printed circuit board (PCB) market had reached 1.47 trillion dollars in 2010, making the PCB industry a global trillion-dollar industry. In 2011, Taiwan generated a higher PCB production value compared to Japan to become the biggest producer of PCB in the world. Our PCB industry is one of the few industries that hold an edge over Korean competitors and therefore plays a pivotal role among electronic industries. For PCB manufacturers, developing new production processes that lead to a higher yield rate at a lower cost is a key to their competitive advantage and profitability. Hence, R&D engineers are increasingly important in this industry. This study investigated the required occupational competencies for R&D engineers in PCB industry to develop occupational competency standards and a occupational competency scale. Based on the procedure of developing occupational competency standards suggested by ITRI College, the author first conducted a competency interview to compile a draft version of the occupational competency standards and invited experts to assess content validity of the data. After modification, a questionnaire titled “The Occupational Competency Scale for R&D Engineers in PCB Industry” was obtained. In the formal survey, 101 responses were collected. Data were analyzed using methods including descriptive statistics, reliability and validity tests, t-test, and one-way ANOVA. Results showed that the occupational competencies of PCB R&D engineers could be divided into three dimensions, including “project planning”, “technical service”, and “cost reduction”. The three dimensions had an internal consistency ranging between .80 and .89, and the cumulative variance explained by the scale reached 70.694%. The occupational competency standards and scale were established. From each dimension, this study also extracted the top three standards by importance, performance, and difference between standard and performance and further observed differences across demographic variables. The occupational competency standards obtained in this study could be applied to recruitment of new employees, performance evaluation, and training. Schools and education training providers could also use them as a reference to help improve the human capital and competiveness of the PCB industry. en_US
DC.subjectPCB industryen_US
DC.subjectR&D engineeren_US
DC.subjectoccupational competencyen_US
DC.subjectoccupational competency standardsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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