dc.description.abstract | The control accuracy and real-time requirements of automatic control system is increasing day by day, the traditional interface bus and Ethernet has been unable to meet the demand. EtherCAT has the advantages of low cost, high efficiency, wide application and communication fast, is the inevitable trend of the development of industrial automation and control network.
First, we discussesthe development of embeddedindustrial ethernet, and introduces the development of traditional bus and ethernet, then analyzes the EtherCAT works and technology, design the EtherCAT master embedded software, by combining MIAT Methodology, system analysis, IDEF0 and Grafcet, and refer to CoDeSys software the operational process, using C language development EtherCAT master, finally implementation developed software on ARM and transmits the instruction packet driver the EtherCAT slave I/O ports to verify the EtherCAT master embedded software function.
This research implement embedded system on EtherCAT master, expect to cost reduced, lower power consumption and reduce equipment size to implement real-time, accuracy and noiseless industry automatic system that can be used in communication and control system. | en_US |