博碩士論文 101721005 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract自1864年宣教士馬雅各(James L. Maxwell)來台,開啟了基督教在台宣教的歷史,經過百年努力,基督教的宣教成果不凡,在原住民、外省族群與閩南族群中,歸信上帝的人數明顯增加,唯獨台灣第二大族群—客家人,卻一直是信主比例最低的族群。於是,客家牧者們起身背負起客家福音的宣教使命,致力於突破客家人信主比例偏低的狀況。   1978年,客家牧者們集結眾多教派,以「同心為客家人傳福祉」的精神,創立了全台第一間客家福音機構「基督教客家福音協會」,希望透過連結功能發揮影響力,將跨國與跨教派的資源進行整合,把福音帶進客家族群。因此,本文分析客福協會推行的宣教策略,再觀察客家人的文化觀與宗教信仰選擇,驗證宣教策略對於客家族群而言,是否有效影響其改宗意願。   本文採質性研究法進行資料蒐集,主要運用文本分析與深度訪談為研究方法,以創會至今所出版的「客福簡訊」作為文本分析對象,再將14位客家受訪者分為改宗組與未改宗組,作為深度訪談對象進行比對研究。   結果發現,客福協會主要以「福音本色化」的方式,將客家文化融入基督信仰,用「敬祖文化研究」、「本色化工具設計」以及「文化人才培育」等三大主軸設計客家宣教策略,牧者將宣教重點放在研擬創新敬祖儀式、推廣客語使用,希望藉由文化宣教的方式,促使客家人聽信福音。而訪談結果顯示,受訪者大多受到祭祖障礙,但在宗教選擇上,還是以接觸動機與實質誘因為主要考量。改宗者多為主動參與基督教,有所需求且獲得實質幫助;未改宗者多屬被動參與基督教,沒有信仰誘因與需求,就不願付出代價進行改宗;而客家宣教策略在宗教選擇時所扮演的角色,並非是影響客家人選擇改宗的關鍵因素,而是用來說服反對者、進行協商的溝通工具。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractSince 1864 Missionary James L. Maxwell came to Taiwan, opened a Christian missionary history in Taiwan, after hundred year efforts, the Christian missionary have a extraordinary achievement. In Aboriginal、provincial and Taiwanese ethnic groups, the number of people who believe in God increased significantly, with the exception of the second largest ethnic group in Taiwan - Hakka, but has the lowest proportion of faith groups. Thus, Hakka Pastors carry up the burdens of the gospel in the church mission, trying to break the low proportion of Hakka believers condition.   In 1978, the Hakka pastors assembled numerous sects, with the spirit of "Concentrically pass welfare for Hakka", to create the first inter-agency Hakka Gospel in Taiwan- "Hakka Christian Evangelistic Association", hoping to exert influence through the link function to integrate resources across the transnational and denominations, to bring the gospel into the Hakka people. Therefore, this paper analyze mission strategy which was promoted by “Christian Hakka Evangelical Association”, and then observed Hakka’s Culture and Religious selection to verificate mission strategy for Hakka ethnic, whether is valid to affect their willing to convert.   In this paper, qualitative research method adopted to collect data, mainly text analysis and in-depth interviews as a research method, all newsletters which published by association were analyzed as a text, then the respondents were divided into two groups, one convert and the other not convert. Total of 14 people who were in-depth interviews objects were adopted to do the research.   It was found that Christian Hakka Evangelical Association mainly put the Hakka culture into Christianity by gospel indigenization approach. Using "Worshiping ancestors cultural studies"、"evangelical tool design" and "cultural talents training" three directions to design Hakka mission strategy. Pastors will focus on the innovation worshiping ancestors ceremony and promoting Hakka using to be the point of mission. They hope the Hakka people accept the gospel by cultural mission. The interviews showed that respondents mostly were obstructed by worship of ancestors, but in the choice of religion, they mainly consider the faith motivation and incentives. Mostly people who was conversed participate Christianity actively with something demand and obtaining practical assistance. The people who were not conversed mostly participate Christianity passively. Without faith incentives and needs , they do not pay the cost to converse. But Hakka religious mission strategy played a role duing religion selection, it is not the key factor affecting Hakka to converse, but the communication tool to persuade opponents to negotiate. en_US
DC.subjectHakka missionsen_US
DC.subjectChristian Hakka Evangelical Associationen_US
DC.subjectcultural perspectiveen_US
DC.subjectreligious choiceen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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