博碩士論文 101723004 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorKuan-Chang Wuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract淵遠流長的客家文化,是濃縮時代精華的瑰寶。政府數度提出的客家政策,不僅用以建構與凝聚新的族群認同,更作為提升區域經濟和產業競爭力的文本。近年來,族群飲食成為符號社會與消費市場中的新興商品,「客家經濟化,經濟客家化」的現象反映出客家文化再現後的展演轉型已邁入快速成長的階段,也揭示「全球在地化」的具體實踐。本研究選擇客家族群豐富多樣的飲食文化所衍繁出的族群料理為論述主體,探究客庄旅遊地與遊客之間的關聯性、遊客對客家飲食的認知與想像,以及討論遊客對客家飲食涉入程度的行為與義涵。基此,本研究採非機率抽樣法,以自編的半結構式問卷進行預試,並經探索性因素分析(Exploratory factor analysis, EFA),於台灣南、北部客庄地區實地發放問卷。問卷回收後以統計軟體進行各項檢定,並建立遊客與客家飲食關聯性的結構方程模式(Structural equation modeling, SEM)。實證顯示,根據代表性客家料理的調查結果,遊客在「客家小炒、薑絲炒大腸、粄條,及梅干扣肉」等既定印象中的傳統佳餚之外,本研究彙整出高達95種不同的答案;其次,在情感、動機、媒體使用及認知行為四大因素中,各與遊客的社會經濟地位之人口屬性有密切關聯。綜合上述所言,共歸納為兩點主要結論,分別是「客庄觀光中傳統料理的契機與文化的反思」、「區域遊客於因素變異之間的交錯及認同」,並據此提出全新的衡量構面-「族群、文化與地域共構的鑽石模型」,以利未來相關單位決策及學術研究的參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractHakka culture can be seen as the essential heritage in the contemporary world. Undoubtedly, through the favorable policies made by government, not only has Hakka culture reconstructed the new ethnic identification, but it has contributed toward the regional economics and industrial competitiveness. In recent years, the phenomena of “Developing the economic value of Hakka culture, and bring Hakka culture into economic activities” reveals that the representation of Hakka culture has been an implementation of “Glocalization” . The study is focused on the diversity of ethnic dietary culture in Hakka, and it is divided into three sections: one is the exploration of the realistic relationship between tourists and destination, another is the realization of the tourists’ imagination and cognition toward Hakka dietary, and the other is the discussion of the tourists’ behaviors and its meanings. Therefore, non-probability sampling method and semi-structured questionnaire for data collecting are used in this study. After the process of investigation, we use SPSS software as the method of exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and constructed the structural equation modeling (SEM). The consequence of this survey shows that besides the traditional food such as客家小炒, 薑絲炒大腸, 粄條 and 梅干扣肉, there are still over 95 kinds of answers in tourist’s cognition and image of Hakka dishes. Secondary, the four main factors named “Motive (M)”,“Affections (A)”,“Information / Media (I)” and “Cognitive behaviors (BC)” are highly related to the tourists’ social-economic status. Lastly, there are two points in the conclusion: one is the controversial dimension between economic development and cultural review in first one, the other is an explanatory comment of statistical result about the interaction of factors and tourist’s social-economic status. Based on the conclusion, the whole new model which proposed in the last chapter would be helpful as the reference for decision making and further research.en_US
DC.subjectthe representative of Hakka dietaryen_US
DC.subjectPath analysisen_US
DC.subjectREC Modelen_US
DC.titleAn Empirical Analysis of the Relation between Tourism Destination and Related Characteristics within Dietary Image in Taiwanese Hakka Regionsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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