博碩士論文 101756027 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJui-chan Fanen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract鹿寮坑為一典型客家農村,村內95%以上為客家人口,目前仍保有傳統的客家伯公、石爺石娘信仰及傳承先民駁坎、燒炭等客家文化,再加上鹿寮坑水系打造豐富的自然生態及極具客家元素的地名「窩」等特質,促成鹿寮坑以「客家生態社區」作為社區發展目標。因此,本研究首先以Kretzmann與McKnight資產為基礎的社區發展模式,檢視個案鹿寮坑所具備的資源,其次以社會網絡分析法探究鹿寮坑具備社會資本類型,再者以Ansell與Gash協力模式探討鹿寮坑生態協力網絡運作情形。 研究結果發現,鹿寮坑具有豐富的社區資產,包含社會資本、財務資本、政治資本、人力資本、環境資本、文化資本、有形資本,經由社區活動安排,建立由社區居民、公私部門及學者專家組成的協力網絡共同設計節慶活動,不但將社區資產轉為經濟資本活絡在地經濟,也經由協力運作模式展現出公民社會精神,建立利益公共化行為創造社區福祉,發展出以文化節慶為基底,實踐保護環境的行動力,以落實客庄農村生態社區的目標。此外,鹿寮坑具備豐厚的社會資本,尤其內聚型資本與強連帶的發展,促使鹿寮坑仰賴領導人的帶領,而鹿寮坑主要領導人以社區發展協會及村長為主,因此,領導者其生態環境認知行為連帶影響生態社區的發展,如何在重視生態與經濟生活取得平衡點,是社區永續的發展關鍵。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractLuliaokeng is a classical Hakka village, with over than 95% Hakka population, and still keeps the traditional belief of Grand Uncle, Stone God and Stone Goddess, and inherited of the Hakka cultures of embankment and making charcoal. Besides, the Luliaokeng river system creates the enriched natural environment and Hakka-featured geographical name as “Wo”, making “Hakka Eco-Community” become the development goal of Luliaokeng. Therefore, this study begins with the capital-based community-developing mode of Kretzmann and McKnight, examining the resources of Luliaokeng individually. Secondly, using the social-network analysis to explore the type of social capitals of Luliaokeng, and discuss the Luliaokeng eco-cooperation network operation by collaborative governance of Ansell and Gash. The result has shown that Luliaokeng has rich community capitals, including the social capitals, financial capitals, political capitals, human resource capitals, environmental capitals, cultural capitals, and material capitals. By the arrangement of community activity, build the collaborative network of community residents, public and private departments and experts, and design the festivals and activities together. Not only turning the community capitals into economic capitals and promoted local economy, but also showing the spirit of civic society. Publicize benefits and create the welfare of community; developing the ability to protect the environment based on cultural festivals, thus to achieve the goal of Hakka rural eco-community. Furthermore, Luliaokeng has rich social capitals, especially the bonding social capital and strong-tie development; it has made the Luliaokeng to rely on the leadership of leader. And the main leaders of Luliaokeng are community development association and the village head. Therefore, the cognitive behavior toward environment of the leader would have influence on the development of the eco-community. To make the balance between emphasizing eco-environment and economic life will be the key to sustainable community development. en_US
DC.subjectHakka rural villageen_US
DC.subjectcooperative networken_US
DC.title客庄農村生態社區協力網絡之建構 客庄農村生態社區協力網絡之建構 客庄農村生態社區協力網絡之建構 客庄農村生態社區協力網絡之建構 客庄農村生態社區協力網絡之建構 客庄農村生態社區協力網絡之建構 客庄農村生態社區協力網絡之建構zh_TW
DC.titleCooperative Network Construction of Hakka Rural Eco-Community: Empirical Study of Luliaokeng of Hsinchu Countyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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