博碩士論文 101756029 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-jui Shenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討國小客語教師應用網路教學之現況,並探討客語教師應用網路教學在教師資訊素養、認知態度、教學設備、教材資源及行政支持等情形,從整體構面進行分析說明,再依據學校情境變項和教師個人背景變項分析其差異情形。本研究採問卷調查及訪談法,使用?國小客語教師應用網路教學現況調查問卷?作為研究工具,對桃園縣客家文化重點發展區內國小客語教師進行層級抽樣,共發出問卷232份,回收有效問卷217份,調查結果以描述性統計、t考驗(t-test)、單因子變異數分析(ANOVA)、Pearson積差相關等統計方式加以分析;並以立意抽樣的方式,抽取5位客語教師進行訪談。 研究發現:(1)大部分的客語教師具有使用網路資料查詢的能力,以及應用網路教材於客語教學的能力。但對於運用網路資訊科技設計客語教學教材的能力仍須加強。(2)大部分的客語教師都贊成應用網路資訊科技融入客語教學,高學歷畢業的客語教師對於所需之教學資訊會利用網路取得。(3)在教學設備方面:班級電腦普及化,但網路設備狀況不一,大部分可以充分提供教師應用網路於客語教學之所需,但對於偏鄉地區仍有持反對的意見。(4)在教材資源方面:教師大多直接使用教科書出版商設計的多媒體教材,鮮少將與課程相關之優良教學網站整理提供給學生。(5)在行政支持方面:多數教師都滿意學校對客語教師在應用網路教學上所提供的支持,同意行政在經費許可下優先考慮充實相關媒體設備,同時會鼓勵教師使用網路教學;但在與資訊、網路相關的教師進修活動的安排及教師的參與相對不足。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this research is to investigate current situation of utilizing Internet resources on Hakka language education by elementary school Hakka language teachers, and to explore it by network information literacy, cognitive attitude, teaching equipment, education materials and administrative support. Base on the analysis of those aspects to test for differences among the school situation variables and teachers′ personal background variables. Questionnaire and Interview techniques are used in this research. Questionnaire of “The status of using internet resources in your Hakka language course” used as a research tool. Stratified random sampling method used on Hakka language teachers whom work for selected elementary school which located in Taoyuan County Hakka culture development zone. There are 232 questionnaires had been issued and resulted 217 valid samples. Raw data are analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, One-way ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) and Pearson product-moment correlation methods; There are 5 Hakka language teachers are selected by “Purposive sampling” method for interview technique. The research findings:(1)Most of Hakka language teachers are able to find some specific resources from Internet, and have the ability to use Internet resources in Hakka language cause, and to strengthen their ability to develop a Hakka language education materials by information technology is necessary.(2)Most of Hakka language teachers recommend to adopt internet information technology into Hakka language learning activities. The Higher education teachers also have higher ability to retrieve instruction resources from internet.(3)For teaching equipment: It is a common scenario to have a computer in the classroom. Its capability of Internet access is able to meet Internet application educational activity in most of area, but it could be insufficient in some rural areas.(4)For education materials resources: Publishers′ multimedia learning materials usually be used by teacher directly. They may not be able to provide related good Internet resources list to learner because of time constraint or resource limitation.(5)For the Administrative support: Most teachers are satisfied to get enough support for Internet applications teaching included the purchase of media devices, they are also encouraged to use Internet resources in teaching, but they may not have enough related training activities and willingness to participate yet. en_US
DC.subjectInternet resourcesen_US
DC.subjectHakka language teachingen_US
DC.subjectInternet base teachingen_US
DC.titleA study of the Current Application of online Teaching by Teachers of Hakka language education by elementary school -Taoyuan County area focus on the development of Hakka cultureen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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