博碩士論文 102122007 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJi-rong Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文旨在探討《仕女圖》中,女主角伊莎貝兒˙阿切爾如何在與外界互動過程中形塑自我創造。因此,本文將探討外在三因素,一一檢視它們對伊莎貝的自我形成帶來什麼樣的影響。 在第二章,我將剖析美國與歐洲文化交匯中的各種不同之處,並探討亨利˙詹姆士(Henry James, 1843-1916)對美國與歐洲聯繫的特別關注。透過這些面向的討論,我們不只能更清楚伊莎貝受文化差異影響而產生的改變,亦能進一步了解國際主題在《仕女圖》中存在的特殊意義。 第三章中,我將分析伊莎貝兒面對傳統及現代觀念的差異所做的調和。這些差異展現在她與書中其他角色的互動,透過分析此類外在因素我們會發現,伊莎貝兒實為擺盪於傳統與現代之間,並未執著於其中一方,且展現接受差異的靈活性。 除上述的外在因素外,時間與空間亦是影響伊莎貝兒形成的重要環節。我將會在第四章中先行定義本文中所要探討的時間與空間,並進行個別的討論與分析。此外,本章亦會對詹姆士的寫作與敘述方式做探討。 最後,在結論部分再次重申本文的主旨:伊莎貝為自我命運的形塑者。相較於從悲劇的角度閱讀伊莎貝兒的故事,本文提供讀者一個較為平衡的視角。此外,透過細察這些外在因素,讀者亦能了解到除了如精神分析之的內在閱讀以外,詹姆士的作品尚能透過外在的層面進行思考。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis thesis aims to analyze how Isabel Archer forms herself as the “fortune-hunter” in The Portrait of a Lady. The “fortune-hunter,” which means the controller of her destiny, is shaped by her interaction with the outside world. The incidents happening in the outside world are the major forces in the process of her formation. Thus, I will categorize these external forces into three groups and discuss them respectively in each chapter. In Chapter II, I will study the intersection of American and European cultures by investigating the differences between them. In addition, I will also discuss why Henry James is concerned about the relationship between America and Europe. By looking at these facets, we may have a clear understanding of Isabel’s changes as well as James’s intention of displaying international themes in The Portrait of a Lady. In Chapter III, I would like to analyze Isabel’s modulations of the differences between tradition and modernity. These differences are presented in her interaction with other characters. Significantly, swinging between tradition and modernity, Isabel does not stick to certain concepts in both sides; rather, she shows her flexibility. As well as differences between cultures or tradition and modernity, time and space, which will be defined more clearly in Chapter IV, are also major forces from the outside world. In this section, I will not only focus on how time and space influence Isabel’s formation but also on James skills of writing and narration. Finally, the conclusion reiterates the subject of this thesis: Isabel is a fortune-hunter in her own life. It gives readers a positive view of this novel, which is different from regarding Isabel’s life as a tragedy. Moreover, by scrutinizing the external forces, readers will have a new perspective, which will contribute to the reading of the novel as a whole. en_US
DC.subjectHenry Jamesen_US
DC.subjectThe Portrait of a Ladyen_US
DC.subjectInternational themesen_US
DC.subjectExternal forcesen_US
DC.titleIsabel Archer as a “Fortune-Hunter” in The Portrait of a Ladyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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