博碩士論文 102125009 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHsuan-Yu Liuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract中文摘要 1913年毛澤東進入湖南第四師範就讀,開始有系統的形成他早期的救國思想,但在當時是以政治改革為主要理念,而非進行革命。1919年五四運動期間,毛澤東進行了一連串的政治運動。期間他也接觸許多來自西方最新的各種社會主義,共產主義也在其中,但一開始並不以其為核心思想,直到湖南自治運動的失敗,經歷思量後才改弦易轍,擁抱共產主義,加入共產黨。 中國共產黨一開始的活動貫徹了馬克思主義的理念,積極的發展中國的工人運動,毛澤東也在湖南地區開展運動。可惜的是,當時的中國軍閥當道,運動的成與敗都在軍閥一念之間。與此同時,在共產國際穿針引線之下,中共開始與國民黨接觸,並在工人運動每況愈下的情況下於1923年決定進行國共合作。雙方合作在一開始還算順利,不過其中小衝突不斷,到國民黨一大後衝突加劇,毛澤東在上海黨部也深受其害。 毛澤東在1924年末回湖南養病,期間發現了農民的力量,並逐漸堅定農民才是革命最重要的組成這一觀點。再重回工作後,他不斷發聲強調農民運動的重要,並且擔任農民講習所所長來教育黨員。北伐期間,湖南的農民運動呈現過火情況,毛澤東大為讚賞。但過火的農運卻導致了國共分裂,中共也由原先溫和的運動改為激烈的暴動,而與中共大部分採取的城市工人暴動不同的是,毛澤東則是於鄉村間組織起農民暴動革命。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract In 1913, when Mao Zedong was studying in The Fourth Normal College of Hunan, he started to build up his early thought of saving the nation in planned. At that period, his main belief was not a political revolution but reform. During the May Fourth Campaign in 1919, Mao not only had several political activities but also had a chance to know the newest socialism from Europe, which includes communism. Not until the failure of Hunan Autonomy Campaign, Mao started to turn his core belief into communism and joined the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). At the very beginning, the CCP had their activities stick to Marxism and focus on developing labor movement. Mao started the movement with the same idea in Hunan. But during that period, the warlords had great power, which could affect the result of the labor movement, and the whole movement was getting worse and worse. According to this situation, Communist International instructed the CCP started to contact with the KMT. And at the year of 1923, these two parties became the KMT-CCP Alliance. They were doing well at the beginning, however, there were lots of conflict between them. After the 1st National Congress of the KMT, their contradictions grew in breadth. Mao was in Shanghai at that time, and he was affected due to the situation. Mao went back to Hunan to recuperate in the end of 1924. During this period, he found the possibility of peasants, and believed they are the most important members of revolution. After he went back to work, he kept stressing the value of peasants and was the Director of the Peasant Movement Training Institute (PMTI). During Northern Expeditions, peasant movement in Hunan was out of control and became violence, and Mao applauded their movement. However, this kind of movement incurred the KMT-CCP split. After this, the CCP changed their action into violence, but different from the most movements were made of labor in town, Mao organized peasant farmers in rural area and fired up violence revolution. en_US
DC.subjectMao Zedong’s early thoughten_US
DC.subjectFirst United Fronten_US
DC.subjectLabor Movementen_US
DC.subjectPeasant Movementen_US
DC.subjectPeasant Revolutionen_US
DC.titleA Research on the Formation and Practice of Mao Zedong’s Early Thoughten_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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