博碩士論文 102125601 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorQingyi-Yi Zhangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract陸樹聲(1509 -1605),字與吉,號平泉,人稱平泉先生,松江華亭人。 陸並不是中晚明標誌性的人物,但他很好的展現了一名中上層士大夫對於時代、 生活與自身的思考。 陸樹聲家境貧困,但他在嘉靖二十一年的會試中摘取了第一名的桂冠。陸的崛起是一個有代表性的中晚明社會縱向流動案例。其反映出科舉制度作為明代最重要的社會上升通道,對一個士人的命運有著關鍵性的影響。其次,從地域的角度來看,陸所在的松江地區,以耕讀起家的士人大多集中在中晚明。政治風向的改變,與經濟的發展為這一地區陸樹聲與其家族這樣的新興望族的產生做好了鋪墊。 陸樹聲的官宦生涯呈現的是實際居官時間大大少於在林下時間的模式,這是其閑退思想的第一重重要體現。而從大背景上來看,這種模式在中晚明的下層官員中慢慢變得多見,甚至出現了山人的風潮。在陸的案例中,回歸林下是他主動的一種選擇。他處於山人之風初露端倪的時間點上,因而他的選擇代表了一種還不成熟的、隱晦的自我思考。陸的乞休貫穿了他歷時三十多年的仕宦生涯,成為他為官經歷中最重要的一個標籤。 陸的林下生活是其閑退思想的進一步實踐與延伸。首先,作為一名德高望重的士大夫,陸在地方必須承擔一定的社會責任,而參與地方公共事務的主持與管理對陸同樣有著許多益處,這也是中晚明地方士人群體的一種常態。陸林下生活中更主要的。分在於悠遊,他的生活中充滿了自由而具有士人審美品味的各種活動。陸在這方面頗有建樹,他的許多理念受到時人與後代的推崇。比如,他是中晚明文人茶的傑出代表與先驅之一。此外,陸崇尚樸實復古的生活理念,他認為慾望是應該被節制與約束的,這種思維也許也與陸樹聲晚年熱衷佛學有所聯繫。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractLu Shusheng (1509 - 1605), his political career began in the middle of the sixteen century. He got a good starpoint for his career as he successfully got the first place in Hui Shi (national government officials selection test). He finally became the minister of the Ministry of Rites. Lu’s political achievement was just on the average level, although it was truly a rather rare success for a person as Lu who came from the plebian class. The most significant feature for Lu’s political career is that during his thirty years political career, the actual time when he was working in the government was less than few years. Most of the time, Lu stayed outside the political environment and insisted to request for retirement. This behavior pattern was exactly the application of his seclusion ideology. Lu’s seclusion ideology was distinct in the middle-late Ming. He chose to exit from the political career which was the opposite direction from most literati and officialdom would prefer in that time. However, his insistance on retiring won him the great reputation among literati group. This research intended to observe how Lu’s seclusion ideology was originated and developed through out his request for early retirement and political activities, and analyse the features of the times from literati and officialdom class’s attitude toward Lu’s ideology. After Lu retired and went back to his hometown, he also applied his seclusion ideology into his daily life. For example, the way he chose to interact with local government and society was rather subdued. And Lu also combined his ideology with his health preserving activities and daily entertainment. One of the most important activities for Lu’s retirement life was academic related activities. For example, Lu’s ideology might had raised his interests on Buddhism, on reverse, his research on Buddhism reinforced and developed his seclusion ideology.en_US
DC.subjectLu Shushengen_US
DC.subjectseclusion ideologyen_US
DC.subjectearly retirementen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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