博碩士論文 102181004 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorLim Su Huien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract潮汕方言屬於閩南語系的分支,與福建閩南分家大約發生在唐代。通過比較可以發現潮汕話與福建閩南語在語音上相互對應。雖然潮汕地處廣東,言語源於福建,但文教傳播來自廣府,導致文讀層比福建閩南更為創新。歷代福建漳泉屬於閩南的經濟文化核心地區,潮汕則在閩南外圍,核心區域往往人口流動較大,受到外部衝擊較多,語言變動較快,因此古老的語音大多保留於外圍部分,潮汕語音中就保存不少比核心閩南更為保守的部分。除了潮汕方言隸屬閩南分支之外,粵西、海南島、廣西等地區也流行閩南方言,通過比較法,可以了解潮汕往西、往南地區的閩南方言屬於漳州、潮汕語音的分支。福建漳泉以東、以北地區一般被劃分為閩中、莆仙的方言點,通過比較卻發現語音格局原屬閩南,只是地處交界地帶,語音產生異變。 其次對於潮汕話的定義一般有廣義潮汕和狹義潮汕兩種,廣義潮汕即包含「潮汕話」:潮州、汕頭、揭陽、梅州豐順地區,與「福佬話」:汕尾、河源、惠州等一帶的閩南方言,另狹義潮汕則只有「潮汕話」。通過內部比較會發現「福佬話」與漳州方言語音較近,與「潮汕話」較遠,當不能輕易歸類到「潮汕」之列。考察移民來源,會發現「福佬人」屬於唐末或宋代以後的福建閩南移民,而原來的「河洛人」(現在稱為潮州人)則來源較早。狹義潮汕話內部一般分為二至三小片,經過內部比較,發現將潮汕切分為東西二片較為妥當,小方言片之下又可分出東片:潮州系、汕頭系;西片:揭陽系、潮陽系,使潮汕內部語音系統分類更為清晰。 論文通過比較法分別閩南語分支的類別及潮汕分片之外,亦探討潮汕方言與核心閩南語音差異的原因,與描繪出閩南語語音變異的路徑。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract Chaoshan dialect is a kind of Southen Min dialect, it was separated from Fukien Southen Min dialect probably in the Tang Dynasty. Voice system of Chaoshan dialect corresponds to the Southen Min dialect by comparison. Because the Chaoshan is located in Guangdong, the Literary Pronunciation system was learned from the Guangfu, so the performance of more innovative than Fukien Southen Min dialect. Compared with Chaozhou, Fujian′s Amoy, Zhangzhou and Quanzhou is the former economic and cultural center. The core area is often large population flow and more affected by the external, resulting in faster sound changes. Most of the old voices will remain in the peripheral area, Chaoshan dialect was found to have more ancient language than Fukien Southen Min dialect. In addition to Chaoshan dialect, the western Guangdong, Hainan Island, Guangxi and other regions are also popular Southen Min dialect. After comparison, we make sure the Min dialect of West and south of the Chaoshan was under the branch of Chaoshan and Zhangzhou. The Min dialect of east and north of Zhang-Quan, is considered to be Central Min and Puxian Min Dialect, but found that the voice pattern was originally Southen Min dialect after comparison. There have been sound change because of the junction zone. Generally, Chaoshan dialect can be divided into two kinds of definitions, the generalized Chaoshan dialect includes Chaoshan and Fulao dialect, but Fulao dialect is not included in the narrow Chaoshan dialect. After the comparison of the Fulao and other Southen Min dialect, We found the Fulao dialect is relatively close to Zhangzhou dialect. Looking at the source of immigrants, we will find that ” Fulao people” were immigrants from southern Fujian in after the late Tang or Song dynasty, and the original ”Holo people” came earlier. Narrow Chaoshan is usually divided into two to three small pieces, after the internal comparison, we believe that the Chaoshan dialect divided into the East and the West will be better than other ways. East Chaoshan dialect can be divided into Chaozhou voice system and Shantou voice system. West Chaoshan dialect can be divided into Jieyang voice system and Chaoyang voice system. In this paper, we will find the different between Southen Min dialect and Chaoshan dialect, and the reasons for sound changes. The final purpose is to explain the steps of the sound changes.en_US
DC.subjectMin dialect of Eastern Guangdongen_US
DC.subjectChaoshan dialecten_US
DC.subjectSouthen Min dialecten_US
DC.subjectcomparative linguisticsen_US
DC.titleThe Chaoshan dialect of Eastern Guangdongen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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