DC 欄位 |
值 |
語言 |
DC.contributor | 營建管理研究所 | zh_TW |
DC.creator | 楊雨蒨 | zh_TW |
DC.creator | Yu-Chien Yang | en_US |
dc.date.accessioned | 2015-8-24T07:39:07Z | |
dc.date.available | 2015-8-24T07:39:07Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2015 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw:444/thesis/view_etd.asp?URN=102325011 | |
dc.contributor.department | 營建管理研究所 | zh_TW |
DC.description | 國立中央大學 | zh_TW |
DC.description | National Central University | en_US |
dc.description.abstract | 時程有關爭議是國內經常出現的工程爭議類型之一。過去在國內時程管理大多僅用規劃預計施工進度表(基準時程網圖)作為時程控管之用,但施工中或各階段完工後實際施工資訊多數無確實紀錄或存留,導致經常無實際時程資料可作為合理推估爭議問題原因之依據,此外,國內過往也較少探討更新網圖或建置竣工時程網圖(As-Built Schedule),然而時程有關爭議處理時若有該竣工時程網圖,對於解決爭議問題將有相當大的幫助。近來國內各單位對建築資訊模型(Building Information Modeling, BIM)的發展日益重視,因此透過建置BIM模型與規劃時程進行4D的模擬,對專案而言不再是不可行的夢想。本研究提出結合竣工時程網圖與BIM技術之構想,並以某大學之增建工程為例,透過實際案例分析如何正確建置竣工時程網圖,並提出結合BIM模型與竣工時程網圖之建議作法,以利整合之成果能協助解決時程爭議。本研究提出之整合作法能用於釐清網圖中規劃施工邏輯之正確性、澄清原施工規劃與實際施工執行之落差、4D視覺化呈現要徑作業執行情形、4D視覺化呈現爭議之工作項目等。整體而言,本研究之成果能夠因為結合竣工時程網圖與BIM技術,讓時程有關爭議能夠在獲得更多訊息的情況下獲得更合理的解決。 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract | Schedule-related disputes commonly appear in the construction industry in Taiwan. Conventionally, construction managers control their projects merely on as-planned schedule (baseline schedule) but rarely record actual construction schedule information. This situation results in there is usually no actual construction schedules that can be used for identifying schedule-related disputes fairly. In the past, the construction practice in Taiwan seldom discussed the issues of schedule revision and as-built schedule establishment. However, those schedules are useful for solving schedule-related disputes. Recently, the construction practice in Taiwan has focused on development and applications of Building Information Modeling (BIM) technique. Now it is possible to perform 4D simulation based on integrating BIM models and construction schedules. This study proposes an approach to integrate as-built schedules and BIM models to serve as an aid in identifying schedule-related problems. The proposed approach, examined by a real construction case in a university, can be used in examining the logic of construction works, identifying the differences between planning and actual construction works, representing the progress of critical activities in 4D and displaying the status of construction works with disputes in 4D. In sum, the outcomes of this study serve a mechanism that integrates as-built schedules and BIM models to provide more information in solving schedule-related problems. | en_US |
DC.subject | 時程網圖 | zh_TW |
DC.subject | 竣工時程網圖 | zh_TW |
DC.subject | BIM | zh_TW |
DC.subject | 4D模擬 | zh_TW |
DC.subject | 釐清爭議 | zh_TW |
DC.subject | Construction Schedule | en_US |
DC.subject | As-Built Schedule | en_US |
DC.subject | BIM | en_US |
DC.subject | 4D Simulation | en_US |
DC.subject | Disputes Identification | en_US |
DC.title | 結合竣工時程網圖與BIM技術以利爭議釐清之研究 | zh_TW |
dc.language.iso | zh-TW | zh-TW |
DC.title | Integrating As-built Schedule and BIM Technology for Clarifying Construction Disputes | en_US |
DC.type | 博碩士論文 | zh_TW |
DC.type | thesis | en_US |
DC.publisher | National Central University | en_US |