博碩士論文 102352008 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorPo-Chen Yehen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract桃園國際機場為臺灣航空運輸之國門,更是絕大多數國際航班進出臺灣第一 面印象。再者桃園國際機場已成立超過30 年以上,近幾年已投入相當的預算及 人力進行航站內基礎設施之維護及整建,為求機關預算及人力有限且更進一步提 升鋪面服務水準,將此課題當成本研究的主軸,透過對桃園機場鋪面維護施工的 了解,導入系統化及管理策略都是論文研究的主要方向。 為了提升機場營運的服務品質水準強化,本研究針對桃園國際機場鋪面維護 及整建工法、營運需求、飛航安全程序著手了解,除了既有已存在行之有年的相 關項目及方法之外,更進一步的導入系統化管理之因素,輔助管理者提供較為完 整性的決策因子,透過初步的歸類與後續的鋪面管理相關分析作業將有利於桃園 國際機場鋪面服務性的維持與提升。 分析鋪面管理策略相關的資料後,資料的後續建置回饋機制也為本研究最後 的討論項目,透過機場鋪面管理系統建置的概念,研擬出一套專屬於桃園國際機 場的鋪面管理系統,透過此系統將可以為桃園機場鋪面維護在不同年度在桃園機 場鋪面所做的工項及標案整建資料,並後續將多年度的資料建置完整性的圖資資 料或維護決策參考,以供業管單位及高階管理者對於維護及整建經費的使用情形 排序,因而在往後的機關預算預估時將可以更客觀與合理的回饋給營運管理者。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTaoyuan International Airport is not only the gateway of transportation for connecting Taiwan to the world, but also presents the first impression of Taiwan for most majority international flight. However, Taoyuan International Airport has been established more than thirty years. In recent years, Taoyuan International Airport has put equivalent budget and manpower into maintaining and renovating the fundamental terminal facilities. When the government is under the limitation of the budget and manpower, how government pursuit the higher level of pavement service quality? Therefore the researcher takes this topic as the principal in this research. The main direction is combined with systematic and management strategies by knowing Taoyuan airport pavement maintenance. In order to enhance the operation quality of Taoyuan International Airport, this research will focus on Taoyuan International Airport pavement construction, operational requirements and flight safety program. In addition to the existing related projects and methods that already has used for many years, this research will bring a further factor of systematic management. Sub-managers will unify decision-making factors and management-related jobs through the initial analysis and subsequent classification of pavement. By unifying and analyzing the pavement management, this will be beneficial to maintained and enhance Taoyuan international Airport pavement service. After analyzing the information of pavement management strategies, the follow-up data can build a feedback mechanism that will be discussed in this research. The concept of the pavement management system built in a set of exclusive Taoyuan _______________________________________________________________________________目錄 III International Airport pavement management system. Through this system the government will be able to classify data by work items and cases for maintainance of pavement in different years. The follow-up data will be the reference to mapping data collected in multi-years for decision-making of maintainance and it is also the preliminary classification of maintainance and reestablishment for higher managers or managerial departments. Thus the budget estimation of the organs will be more objective and reasonable feedback to operation manager.en_US
DC.subjectTaoyuan International Airporten_US
DC.subjectpavement managementen_US
DC.subjectaviation safetyen_US
DC.subjectairport operationsen_US
DC.titleAirport runway and taxiway the information of pavement research management strategies - For example Taoyuan International Airporten_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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