博碩士論文 102382005 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorMing-Fu Wuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來,氣候變遷所帶來的環保議題持續發展,世界各國陸續提出淨零排放的環保政策,國內能源密集產業紛紛響應2050淨零碳排的目標並著手執行碳中和及能源轉型策略。國內造紙業已率先使用造紙製程廢棄物衍生燃料於廠內流體化床鍋爐與煤混燒,為淨零碳排趨勢下最有效率的能源轉型策略之一。其中,造紙業廢棄物衍生燃料的原料主要為廢紙經散漿機排出之輕質殘渣(廢紙排渣),但廢紙排渣所製成之固體再生燃料(SRF)常殘留鋁箔碎片,進而使燃燒產生的混燒飛灰殘留金屬鋁物質,導致再利用於水泥系材料時產生體積膨脹現象。 本研究針對國內造紙業鍋爐(循環式流體化床鍋爐)共燃SRF/輔助燃料與煤所產出之混燒飛灰進行材料性質分析,探討混燒飛灰應用於水泥材料之膨脹潛勢,研究中藉由金屬鋁與水反應產氫之機理,建立混燒飛灰中可反應性金屬鋁含量之量測方法,可有效量測混燒飛灰金屬鋁含量;此外,並針對金屬鋁粉經不同煆燒溫度後之表面氧化層結構變化,以及於不同鹼性環境下之反應程度探討預處理混燒飛灰之方法,評估預處理穩定化方法對消解混燒飛灰中殘留可反應性金屬鋁之成效,提升混燒飛灰之再利用價值。 研究結果顯示,廢紙排渣與碎漿機排渣所製成SRF與煤混燒所產生之飛灰(SRF(PR)-CCFA及SRF(TP)-CCFA)皆殘留可反應性金屬鋁成分,主要原因為 SRF燃料中殘留金屬鋁物質(鋁箔)無法經由 CFB鍋爐燃燒程序完全氧化。依據混燒飛灰材料特徵及反應,歸納出混燒飛灰中金屬鋁反應機制並提出三種預處理方法:高溫煆燒處理、水浸泡處理、以及水泥固化處理,其成效試驗結果顯示三種預處理方法皆可有效降低混燒飛灰中可反應性金屬鋁含量,進而降低應用於水泥系材料時引致體積膨脹之問題。研究結果有助於更加了解含鋁金屬混燒飛灰之材料特性以及應用於水泥系材料所引致膨脹之反應機理,並對造紙業多種廢棄物衍生燃料於燃燒後所產生之混燒飛灰材料特性家以掌握,並依此提出多種預處理穩定化方法之可能性,為複雜多變之混燒飛灰材料提供更多元應用之途徑。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, climate change has led to an increase in environmental issues. In an effort to reduce carbon emissions, many countries have implemented policies to promote environmental protection and aim for net-zero emissions. Industries that rely heavily on energy, such as the domestic paper industry, have begun to adopt carbon neutrality and energy transformation strategies to meet the goal of net zero carbon emissions by 2050.Among them, the waste-derived fuel in pulp and paper industry is primarily made up of light residue (waste paper slag) However, the solid recovered fuel (SRF) which was made from waste paper slag, often contains aluminum foil fragments, which can lead to metallic aluminum remain in co-combustion fly ash (CCFA), and can cause expansion on cement product when the CCFA is implemented reuse assignment. This study aims to analyze the material properties of CCFA produced through domestic pulp and paper industry boilers (CFB boilers), which combustion SRF and coal. To explore the expansion potential of CCFA when it applied to cement materials, a method for measuring the content of reactive metal aluminum in CCFA was established based on the reaction of metal aluminum and water to produce hydrogen. Additionally, the effect of different heat treatment temperatures on the surface oxide layer of metallic aluminum powder and the reaction in different alkaline environments were tested. Discuss and evaluate the effect of pretreatment stabilization methods to enhances the reuse value of CCFA. The results of this study indicate that SRF made from waste paper slag and pulper residue, as well as fly ash produced by co-firing SRF with coal (SRF(PR)-CCFA and SRF(TP)-CCFA), contain residual reactive aluminum components. This is mainly due to the fact that aluminum foil, which is a metallic aluminum material that remains in SRF fuel and cannot be fully oxidized during the CFB boiler combustion process. To reduce the reactivity of aluminum content in CCFA, three pretreatment methods were proposed based on the characteristics and reactions of the CCFA material: high-temperature calcination treatment, water immersion treatment, and cement curing treatment. The results showed that all three pretreatment methods effectively reduced the content of reactive aluminum in CCFA, thereby reducing the issue of volume expansion caused by the use of fly ash in cementitious materials. The research results contribute to understand the material properties of aluminum-containing CCFA and the mechanism of volume expansion that occurs while using in cementitious materials, and provide a more comprehensive understanding of the characteristics of CCFA derived from various waste fuels in the pulp and paper industry. In addition, various pretreatment and stabilization methods can be proposed for the complex and varied co-fired fly ash material, providing more diverse application pathways. en_US
DC.subjectco-combustion fly ashen_US
DC.subjectsolid recovered fuelen_US
DC.subjectpaper mill wasteen_US
DC.subjectwaste-derived fuelen_US
DC.titleStudy on expansion characteristics of aluminum-containing co-combustion fly ash and evaluation of pretreatment stabilization methoden_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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